Everything about stomatitis

Everything about stomatitis
Everything about stomatitis

It varies depending on the type of stomatitis and is based on the underlying cause of its occurrence: either immunodeficiency or poor hygiene or associated comorbidity. The treatment for herpes stomatitis consists in the administration of some drugs that fight fever and at the same time improve the pain. In addition, rigorous hygiene of the oral cavity must be maintained by using a brush at least twice a day and applying antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, antiviral and anesthetic sprays to the affected area. In addition, proper hydration helps the healing process and besides this, the patient should be advised to avoid spicy, salty foods and can consume apple juice, ice cream to help relieve pain. Antibiotics are not used in this condition because it is produced by a virus, but antiviral drugs may be initiated to speed up the healing process. Treatment In this condition, the treatment is symptomatic, based on antiseptic solutions for the oral cavity, on various gels to form a protective layer on the affected area, on pain-relieving sprays and diminishes the risk of stomatitis spreading throughout the oral cavity.

In severe forms, where multiple lesions leading to ulceration occur, topical antibiotic administration is recommended to prevent multiple complications. It is also recommended to avoid hot, hot and salty foods in order not to increase irritation. These are: - Dehydration, which occurs due to lack of water and other fluids because the patient can not swallow, - fever up to 40 degrees Celsius, - weight loss due to lack of food intake due to pain, - inflammation of the gums. Prevention is primarily the patient who must follow the doctor's treatment, avoid contraindicated foods and have a careful oral hygiene, and in some cases where the immune system is deficient, follow a vitamin therapy to prevent . Education is for both the dentist and the patient.

In addition to classical medication used in the treatment and prevention of stomatitis, there are also some natural remedies that sometimes add extra healing. For example, it can be used to rinse mouth, having an antiseptic role. Also, cloves oil has a calming effect and relieves the discomfort caused by swallowing, has an antiviral role and can be used successfully in herpes stomatitis, has a healing role and intensifies the healing process of ulcerations. All these natural remedies should not replace the medication administered by the doctor, but just be a supplement to what is being initiated. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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