Family constellations: what are they and how can they help you in personal development?

Family constellations: what are they and how can they help you in personal development?
Family constellations: what are they and how can they help you in personal development?

photo: Kotin, Shutterstock Family Constellations are an effective way to turn the things that keep us captive so that we live our lives at its maximum. They dissolve blockages that affect our relationships, finances, profession and health so that we are free to live the fulfilled life we ​​have in destiny to live. Benefits of Family Constellations Improving your relationships with parents, partners, children, colleagues etc. Turning the past into a source of power Acquiring a healing inner image of your family Releasing yourself and your descendants to invisible burdens Increasing your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others Opening the heart to love Working with family constellations helps you make positive changes . As there are laws that work in the universe, such as the Law of Attraction, so there are love conditioning in your family system that affects you in ways you can not even tell. The reason why this happens is because it acts in incapacity.

Family Constellations are a powerful way to see the heart of problems that keep you from living your life in the best way. Constellations bring to light what unconscious in the back, from a blind love and attachment to your family system, things you do not even know. When you discover these problems, they are transformed using soul formulations to live your life free of unconscious burdens. How Does Family Constellations Work? . When used in a group, a qualified person chooses someone who wants to change something in his life, and after describing the situation and responding to some strategic questions, the person randomly chooses people from the group to represent .

Family Constellations can also be explored privately with the facilitator to discover the hidden dynamics behind the things you want to change in your life. This process does not work at the mental level but goes much deeper to the soul level. If you want to get a better understanding of what is going on, to open yourself and to get to the root of issues in your life that you are not even aware of, there will be a Family Constellation Facilitator in Romania that you will meet in a workshop . Eric Lopez studied with Bert Hellinger and comes with a unique, unique approach to them. .

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