Fear of strangers to the little child: how do you help him get rid of her

Fear of strangers to the little child: how do you help him get rid of her
Fear of strangers to the little child: how do you help him get rid of her

Fear of strangers is a normal part of emotional development of children. Although this usually passes around the age of 18 months, it can continue for much longer. Here are some strategies that will help you increase your child's psychological comfort in the presence of strangers. Fear of strangers occurs when the child begins to become aware of the existence of the world around him and of the people around him, and he develops a healthy attachment to the familiar: parents, grandparents,. Because babies love familiar things that give them safety, they prefer familiar figures and can react to the sight of a stranger through crying, agitation, maybe suddenly silenced, may seem frightened or hiding. Fear of strangers becomes more intense around the ages of 7 to 10 months and can take several months or much longer.

Most children go through 2 years. For example, if the little one goes to the nursery from 6 months, he will certainly react if the caregiver changes. He will most likely cry and refuse to leave the mother's arms when brought to the crèche in the morning. Separation anxiety (the child's fear of being separated from parents or caregivers) usually starts at 8-10 months and has a peak between 14 and 18 months. Segregation anxiety occurs even if the little one is left with a person he or she knows, like another family member who is not constantly taking care of him / her.

How to Help Your Child Although fear of strangers is a normal stage in child development, there are a few things you can do to increase your comfort in such situations. Here are these: Give the child the opportunity to meet other people in a comfortable and safe environment for him. for example, invites friends to your home and keep the little one in your arms when you present them. The child will feel safe for two reasons: he will be in your arms and socialize at home where there is a familiar environment. If the little one becomes very agitated and crying in the presence of an adult he does not know, try a different approach: play with the new person or, if it does not work immediately, take the baby away until he calms down, then tries again .

Give the child the object he or she is very attached to (a blanket or a plush toy) every time you know he will go through a new situation for him, such as spending time with new people. This will keep some of the comfort that familiar things and situations give him. Do not ignore this problem, because it may worsen or accentuate its feelings of guilt by ignoring it or ironing it. Photo: 123RF. .

Source : csid.ro

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