It is said that only one of the billions of people on Earth can give us cosmic love. That is our soul mate. Here are five things you need to know about it. photo interior and front page: Fona Shutterstock1. Your soul mate has already been chosen Your soul mate and the people of your life are part of the larger plan the Universe has for you. You do not have to wonder if you have a soul mate or you ask where you can find it.
He is destined to meet you on this Earth. What you need to do is to be ready when it comes. That is, to be authentic and to shine your light to see you. Your soul mate looks for you and will not recognize you if you pretend to be someone else. 2.
Intuition will guide you The best tool you can use to find the soul mate is intuition. When your soul mate is close to you or is about to appear in your life, your intuition will give you signs that can be either subtle or very obvious. These can be manifested as an unexplained desire to be somewhere, enthusiasm, the feeling that you are in the right place, the need to look good without a reason, a sense of ease and confidence after you have made the right decision. When you do not listen to your intuition, you end up in a relationship with a person who is not destined for you. 3.
You must feel whole and genuine Cosmic marriage is your prophecy of love. Because it was predestined, the union would bring happiness, fulfillment and integrity. And this union is meant to help you do things that you can only do together. Because you both need to feel whole and align with yourself so that you can meet, you become a better version of yourself than any of you could have been on your own. Do not fill one another because you are already complete, but add to each other!.
Learn the Excellent Lessons from Your Unsuccessful RelationshipsInstead of wondering why the universe brings those horrible relationships into your life, focus your attention on the lessons you have learned from these relationships. Gaining a sense of independence, increasing your vibration and your soul mate feeling it. 5. Be patient. Of the 7.
5 billion people on Earth, only one is meant to bring you true love. If you believe in this, it is reasonable to be patient for the same reason. Do not rush into any relationship, just for fear of loneliness. .
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