Disturbances that mark a disruption of eating behavior are nerve anorexia (AN) and nerve bulimia (BN). Anorexia nervosa is a severe and potentially lethal condition characterized by perturbed body image through deliberate weight loss, induced and sustained by the patient, drastic dietary limitations that usually lead to severe malnutrition. Mortality is 15-18%. Although the underlying causes of anorexia remain unleashed, there is clear evidence that the interaction of sociocultural and biological factors contributes to its generation alongside a personality vulnerability. The disorder is associated with severe undernutrition resulting in metabolic and endocrine disruption, psychiatrist Denisa Mangalagiu for What's going on, Doctor ?! . Loss occurs through self-induced vomiting, purges, excessive exercise, the use of diuretics and anorexia medication.
Fear of weight loss and distortion of body image. Associated endocrine disorders: amenorrhea, loss of potency / interest, increase in cortisol, increase in STH. Differential diagnosis is relatively easy because the patient has no pathological fear of becoming overweight, Anorexia occurs more frequently in the categories of occupationally requiring silhouettes in developed countries, where society focuses on Treatment is combined: pharmacologically and psychologically. Antidepressants can be given but no medication has proven efficacy, Nervous bulimia (BN) is the uncontrolled, compulsive and rapid episodic ingestion of large amounts of food in a short period of time followed by autoinduced, laxative and diuretic vomiting, ceasefeeding or intense exercise to prevent growth . There may also be a family history of depression and obesity, Diagnostic criteria for bulimia: recurrent episodes of compulsive feeding with a sense of lack of control over eating.
Inappropriate recurrent compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain: autoinduced vomiting, laxatives, enema, post, excessive exercise. These states occur on average at least twice a week for three months. Self-esteem is greatly influenced by appearance and body weight. The disorder does not occur only during episodes of anorexia. The onset is usually 16-18 years.
Differential diagnosis is done with neurological diseases, CNS tumors, Kluver-Bucy syndrome, borderline personality disorder, depression, Denisa Mangalagiu. The treatment includes pharmacological and psychological therapy. Electrolyte imbalance, metabolic alcalosis, and suicide risk can be life-threatening. Therefore, the patient requires hospitalization. Psychotherapy can include individual therapy, behavioral cognitive therapy, group therapy, and is aimed at normalizing eating habits, attitudes towards food, and achieving ideal body weight, Denisa Mangalagiu.
Source : csid.ro
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