Gastroduodenal ulcer, the result of gastric mucosal injury

Gastroduodenal ulcer, the result of gastric mucosal injury
Gastroduodenal ulcer, the result of gastric mucosal injury

More than 10% of the population is affected by a type of ulcer, either gastric or duodenal, but most often it is the duodenal, which has the advantage of not causing malignant lesions. Also, gastric ulcer is the precursor. The average age of occurrence is between 20-30 years for duodenal ulcer and 30-50 years for the gastric, with a higher frequency in male sex, but it is not excluded to occur also in younger people with a regimen of . The typical sign is localized pain in the stomach, having a cramping character that occurs 2-3 hours after the meal and can be calmed by food and antacids. Sometimes, the pains have seasonal periodicity and occur during autumn or spring. They may also appear during the night, accompanied by a hunger beforehand, and after ingestion of antacids, the pain gradually diminishes and then reappears in a few hours.

The retrosternal burning sensation () is another common sign, rhythmic, accompanied by acid, sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Anaphylaxis usually occurs postpartum, early or late, due to copious meals or dietary miscarriages, consumption or certain prohibited drugs. It occurs gradually and, accompanied by fatigue (generalized weakness), due to either vomiting or inability to eat for fear of shedding or recurring pain. After the objective examination and the patient's reports, the necessary investigations will be started to confirm the diagnosis and initiate the treatment. Common blood tests will be performed to see if the patient is, if the liver samples are altered or the inflammatory ones have undergone significant changes.

Later on, investigations are ongoing to detect Helicobacter pylori infection and both blood tests for antigen detection and faecal testing. If these analyzes are insufficient, a superior one will be achieved by inserting a tube that reaches up to the duodenum and providing real images through the optical system. Endoscopy provides useful information on the type of lesion, location and degree of alteration, including leakage, including small lesion. The occult hemorrhage test in the chair is useful for seeing blood loss in situations where the patient does not notice this with the naked eye. Healing of gastroduodenal ulcer is ensured by eliminating the incriminated germ, by standardized treatment, lasting 7-10 or even 14 days, depending on the resistance of the germ to the treatment and the evolution of the patient's symptomatology.

If the treatment is administered correctly and the hygienic-dietary regimen imposed by the specialist is maintained, healing can be done within 1-3 weeks without any problems. Otherwise, complications such as haemorrhages (bleeding accompanied by blood) or melena (a blood stool) and perforation occurring through a stabbing pain and contraction of the abdominal wall (\. Differential diagnosis with other conditions: 1. Chronic gastritis - pain is not periodic, nor is it seasonal. Chronic cholecystitis is largely present in women, the pain being triggered by cholecystokinetic foods (egg, sour cream, mayonnaise etc.

Duodenitis is a condition that can accompany duodenal ulcer and in which the patients also have symptoms similar to those in the ulcer. The gastric cancer that occurs after age 50, the pains being continuous, with a more aggressive evolution and modified laboratory samples. Zollinger-Elison syndrome is a pancreatic tumor that secretes a hormone called gastrin, which has the role of stimulating gastric acid secretion and of determining characteristic symptoms such as: epigastric pain, etc. . In order to prevent this condition, which is more and more common today, it is helpful for every family doctor to prescribe in his annual tests and test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection.

If the test is positive, the appropriate treatment is immediately initiated to eradicate the pathogen, with the test repeating after completion of the treatment to ensure that the germ has been eradicated. If one of the family members has been diagnosed with Helicobacter pylori infection, it is recommended that others perform the germ analysis because the chances of contamination are quite high. Another important role in prevention and medical education is the pharmacist, who should explain to patients when taking anti-inflammatory drugs in order not to be so gastrotoxic. Also, before releasing tablets it should ask patients if they suffer from a digestive pathology to prevent the worsening of already existing ulcerative lesions or those unknown by many people. .

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