Gluten may harm your health even if you do not have intolerance?

Gluten may harm your health even if you do not have intolerance?
Gluten may harm your health even if you do not have intolerance?

It is a multifactorial autoimmune disorder. Gluten consumption produces inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and the appearance of intestinal permeability. The main symptoms are those in the digestive tract (diarrhea, abdominal pain), weight loss, iron deficiency, the appearance of dental caries, dermatitis or. Diagnosis is done using a blood test to detect an antibody called transglutaminase (TG2). Sensitivity to non-celled gluten is a term used in patients who experience symptoms after eating foods containing gluten. The main symptoms are: fatigue, joint pain, and neurological problems.

It should be noted, however, that all of these symptoms disappear if the person gives up gluten for a while. , but gluten intolerance is associated with a multitude of diseases such as: diabetes mellitus, dermatitis, osteoporosis or. • Gluten is a protein found in several types of cereals, including wheat, rye and barley. When gluten reaches the intestinal tract and interacts with immune cells, it thinks it's invaded by something strange, such as bacteria. In those who suffer from celiac disease, the immune system attacks ingested gluten.

The problem is, however, that with gluten, the immune system also attacks enzymes in the digestive system, thus getting to. • Gluten intolerance can cause bones and stomach pain. People who are sensitive to gluten are often not diagnosed, and in their case the immune system does not affect the tissues of the body. These symptoms also pass if gluten is dropped. • Gluten may also affect people who are not intolerant.

There are studies that suggest that people who regularly eat gluten-containing products are experiencing bloating and. • The link between gluten and certain mental illnesses. It seems that some diseases such as epilepsy or schizophrenia may improve if the person diagnosed stops eating gluten. .

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