Headaches may indicate a cause for concern?

Headaches may indicate a cause for concern?
Headaches may indicate a cause for concern?

Headache can be classified into two main types: 1. Primary headache, including migraine, and cluster headache,. Migraine is a neurovascular disorder in the form of pulsating headaches and has the following characteristics: - It occurs most often on sensitive ground, in those with allergies or with - Onset is often before puberty and if it occurs after the age of . Voltage headache should not be confused with headache caused by sudden voltage surge. Pain is felt in the cervical or ocular region and is determined by the following factors: physical stress, sleep deprivation, eye overload, irregular meals or drastic diets to starvation. It may occur in anxiety or depression, on a background of emotional tension and lasts between 30 minutes and 7 days.

An important diagnostic criterion is that it occurs 15 days a month for at least 3 consecutive months. Clove headache stems from the fact that headache is installed daily, usually once a day, for a period of between 1 and 8 weeks, and then completely disappears. Accesses have repeated chronology, with night or onset of the day and can also be determined by cranio-cerebral trauma. Triggers can be: alcohol consumption, poor sleep, smoking, but also temperature changes and. 2.

Secondary headache, which may be caused by a cranial or cervical trauma, may be of vascular origin, tumors, haemorrhages, certain intoxications, drug use, in some where headache is accompanied by photophobia, nausea and vomiting or headache caused by . Signs and symptoms associated with headache: - Digestive symptoms: nausea, vomiting, - Ophthalmic symptoms: photophobia (the person does not stand the light of day), feeling of an intraocular pressure, - Feeling of restlessness and psychomotor agitation, - sometimes accompanied by syncope (fainting) . This algorithm includes specific criteria for clinical diagnosis, such as: patient history - when pain, how it is, how long it lasts, whether it is stressed on the effort and whether or not it yields treatment. Another important aspect is the clinical examination of devices and systems, where the doctor examines the patient and obtains other necessary information which, together with the anamnestic data, outlines a diagnosis. The paraclinical algorithm provides information through certain examinations.

Thus, a blood count (blood analysis) will be performed, which may indicate either a possible or a bacterial or viral infection. If the symptoms persist, more careful investigations are performed from EEG (electroencephalogram) to magnetic resonance imaging. Also indicated is an ENT consultation to exclude the presence of an untreated headache, an ophthalmological examination to exclude an ocular cause, and a copioparasitological examination to detect an eventual intestinal event, which may cause headache with parasite-released toxins. After all investigations, the final diagnosis is established and a treatment is initiated. The treatment may be permanent - for the more serious cases of headache persist daily - and it is the use of long-term medications, and in the case of mild forms, anti-inflammatory treatment is to be administered before the pain is instituted, plus various methods to help improve.

These methods can be: - applying cold / warm compresses to the forehead or where pain occurs - facial massage or if cervical affection is indicated therapeutic massage - tea consumption can help relieve pain and a quiet sleep - vitamin therapy . Conclusions Any headache, be it as bearable, should not be ignored, because it often hides pathologies that are difficult to treat, and delay in diagnosis leads to delayed healing and future repercussions. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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