- excessive consumption of hepatitis C - obesity - genetic deficiencies - prolonged obstruction of bile flow - long periods of exposure to drugs and other toxic substances - inflammation caused by autoimmune diseases - haemochromatosis and. Disease does not usually have specific symptoms, but it evolves silently in the early stages. Symptoms can be easily confused with those of other conditions: - tiredness, exhaustion - weakness - loss of appetite - weight loss - decreased libido - nausea - brushing - bloating - dark urine - . - upper digestive haemorrhage as a result of breakage of varicose veins in the esophagus - ascites consisting of fluid accumulation in the peritoneal cavity - due to low platelet count and / or poor coagulation - bleeding due to decreased protein levels . Treatment for cirrhosis varies depending on what caused the disease and the extent to which the disease progressed. - administration of beta-blockers or nitrates - alcohol withdrawal - avoidance of consumption - intravenous antibiotics - hypoprotective diet.
In the case of liver failure, when the liver does not work at all, a liver transplant is required. - stopping alcohol consumption - changing dietary habits - practicing a drug - even non-prescription medicines should not be taken without the advice of a doctor - practicing safe sex with a condom can reduce the risk of hepatitis B or C. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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