How can astigmatism be corrected?

How can astigmatism be corrected?
How can astigmatism be corrected?

There are two types of astigmatism: • regular or congenital astigmatism that can be corrected by: • irregular or acquired astigmatism, which is based on a lesion or a scar on the cornea, which will involve the operation. • blurred or deformed view • eye discomfort • blurred eyes • difficult • patient confuses the letters and numbers that resemble each other: B with S, E with F, N with H or 3 with 8 • the patient may have . The diagnosis will only be determined by the ophthalmologist following a specialist consultation including: visual field examination, retinal scan and corneal tomography. Keratometry is the technique by which corneal curvature is measured, normally uniform and symmetrical, but irregular in the case of astigmatism. The value of astigmatism increases, so a specialized ophthalmic consultation is indicated annually, especially after the diagnosis has been established by the specialist eye specialist. Correction of astigmatism is done with or spherical cylindrical.

Theoretically, astigmatism will stagnate from a certain age, so only in the case of children the curvature can deform. But if the patient is adult, the treatment consists of refractive surgery. Specifically, treating astigmatism involves wearing glasses, surgery, or surgery. If the defect is small, astigmatism may be left uncorrected surgically, ie only glasses. Most of the time, astigmatism is also associated with other vision problems, such as myopia or myopia.

In order to correct astigmatism in severe cases, especially in those over the age of 40, surgical intervention, called astigmatic keratotomy,. Laser surgical interventions aim at remodeling the cornea so that it can focus the light much better. It is considered that the surgical treatment is the only type of treatment that corrects the cause of this defect. .

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