• Pain felt strongly in motion, • Swelling of the area, • Deformation or blue staining of the site where the fracture occurred, • Bone penetration through the skin (at open fractures), • Bleeding massive (at open fractures). If bleeding occurs, it should be stopped. You need to lift the injured area and apply sterile compresses on it, at least until you get to the doctor. Specifically, gargle or local compression with sterile bandages is applied to stop bleeding. It is also extremely important to keep in absolute rest, by different means, in this way, alleviating the suffering of the sick. The affected area is immobilized by means of a thigh and the two joints adjacent to the fractured region.
But if the person in question suffers a fracture at the neck, you should not move, but you must immediately call 112. Until the ambulance arrives, it is advisable for the patient to remain immobile. If it is a cold compress, ice can be applied to the affected area for a few minutes. Also, painkillers can be used to combat pain and prevent traumatic shock. It is also recommended that the patient stays as comfortable as possible, does not strain and is covered with a blanket, thus avoiding hypothermia.
It is recommended that you present yourself as soon as possible to a doctor or call the ambulance. In this way the complications that may occur are avoided. It should also be remembered that if the patient is to be taken to the hospital with an ambulance at the surgery where the necessary measures will be taken and the transportation to the hospital should be done within 6 hours of the accident. it will be done depending on the type of fracture, severity and especially its location. Most of the times, treatment consists of throats, surgical procedures for the most complicated.
For pain, painkillers will be given. In the case of a basal or spinal fracture, the patient will stay in the house for several weeks because recovery takes time and healing steps, all at the advice of the orthopedic physician. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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