How dangerous is it to use earsticks?

How dangerous is it to use earsticks?
How dangerous is it to use earsticks?

Incorrect and frequent use of these chopsticks may cause the appearance of some mushrooms, which require long treatment. First of all, they are not sterile and, in addition, their use also leads to irritation of the skin from the depth of the ear. How do we clean the ears properly? It is best for ear hygiene to use either the cleansing disks that actually wash the surface, the visible one, or use a wet towel. Before, the ear is washed with water and soap, but we should not allow water to go deep into the auditory conduit. One can use for daily hygiene special sprays containing purified water and sodium chloride. Sprays clean the hearing aid and help eliminate impurities.

Useful are also sprays based on seawater, which dissolve the cerumen and eliminate it. If you have a plug, you have to go to one that will help you get rid of this problem. The wax plug is formed when the ceramic glands are secreting too much cerumen. It combines with dead skin remnants, strengthens and forms a solid substance that blocks the auditory canal, affecting hearing. .

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