How dangerous is the wax on the fruit?

How dangerous is the wax on the fruit?
How dangerous is the wax on the fruit?

It is indicated to buy organic fruit or as far as possible from places where you know the producer or at least the trader. But if you do not have these possibilities, there is a simple method of removing wax from the fruit, namely by careful, but not all types of wax yield to simple water washing. So you need a brush, and juice from a lemon. All you have to do is put the warm water in the sink, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate. Leave the apples in this solution for a few minutes, then brush them insistently. But there are also many companies who claim to use only wax made from natural ingredients that do not harm the health.

Organic wax on the fruit is usually made of and does not contain artificial preservatives, fungicides or oil based ingredients. However, it is best to buy seasonal and safe fruit to eliminate any risk. .

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