How do I get it? You can whiten your teeth with oil

How do I get it? You can whiten your teeth with oil
How do I get it? You can whiten your teeth with oil

Do you want white teeth and healthy teeth? . Here's what this procedure is and how it can help you have whiter teeth. The oil-pulling technique has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine and aims, in addition to tooth whitening, to eliminate gingivitis and headache. It consists of rinsing the mouth with oil for 20 minutes (but enough for 5 minutes), every day, preferably in the morning. The most preferred mouthwash oils are coconut and extra virgin olive oil, to which various essential oils with antiseptic and antifungal properties can be added, such as essential tea tree oil. Rinsing your mouth with oil should be a slow process and, very importantly, do not swallow the oil! .

Therefore, after rinsing, it is recommended that you brush your teeth as you normally do and use dental floss and mouthwash as a last step in the sanitizing of your mouth. Taken from: Csid. .

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