1. Night bruxism is the most widespread. There appears automatic tearing of the teeth as well as rhythmical contraction of the jaws. These phenomena occur in approximately 90 minutes and can take from a few minutes to a few hours. Night bruxism is the most dangerous because it is unconscious and its effects are insidious, and can remain undiagnosed for a long time. 2.
Diurnal bruxism Appears as a reaction to various external stimuli (of any kind) or as a result of our personality type (for example, overactive people tend to develop bruxism). They are divided into three major categories: a) those related to the patient's mental structure combined with various stressful elements. This includes all perfectionist, aggressive or undergoing events such as: stressful tasks, family problems, inadequate rest, coffee abuse, or tobacco, psychotropic stimulants (some antidepressants) b) occlusal disorders: any . The first questions we should ask ourselves about would be the presence of ear auricular (ear) and temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) eventually accompanied by deafening headaches. Frequently, in the morning there is a feeling of fatigue, tension of chewing muscles.
Dental hypersensitivity occurs hot and cold. The person next to whom we are sleeping is likely to notice the rhythmic contractions of the jaws as well as the typical screeching noise. However, 80% of patients do not realize that they suffer from bruxism, the problem only the dentist. It will observe in a patient with bruxism: - the appearance of cracks or fractures of the enamel, - the fracture or bloating of the coronary obturations, or - the modification of the appearance of the frontal teeth whose edges are smooth as a result of abrasion, - the abrasion of the enamel of the lateral teeth . There are several ways the patient can improve bruxism himself without the help of the dentist: • Stress is one of the most important factors in triggering bruxogenic episodes, so it should be avoided as far as possible.
• Try to make sure and relax. Music, reading, or a warm bath before bed can help you relax. Avoid consuming exciting substances of the nervous system (coffee, tobacco, alcohol and, last but not least, harder drugs) near bedtime. • Running pens, nails, or simply chewing gum commonly use jaws with scratches. It is preferable to give up such habits.
• A method of relaxing the masticatory muscles is positioning the tip of the tongue between the two jaws in the front teeth area. It is a valid trick for diurnal bruxism. • Laying a warm and wet towel on the temporo-mandibular joint before going to bed, also has a relaxing effect (muscle relaxation). B. Dentist's treatment The first thing your doctor will do once he finds that the patient is suffering from bruxism will be to find out which is the cause.
• If stress is concerned, try to eliminate it, either through self-training or through. • If psychotropic medication triggers bruxism, try to discontinue or modify it. • If it is a defective occlusion, either because of orthodontic problems (eg clogging) or through prosthetic work done, a complete occlusal re-balancing will occur, with all that is required: restoration, coronary obturations, dysfunctional resolution . • For the relaxation of the muscles of the masticatory, it is possible to prescribe soothing medications for short periods of time. • In the dentist's office, special devices can be made called cranks which are nothing but upper and lower teeth, and which aim at preventing interdental contact and positioning the mandible in a neutral, relaxed position.
but are just some palliatives that do not solve the problem, but only prevent tooth damage and the appearance of pain during their wear. Auricular pain and temporomandibular joint, accompanied by tension of chewing muscles and hot and cold dental hypersensitivity, may be signs of bruxism. Presenting to the dentist to assess the situation is the most correct attitude. Before you get to the doctor, try to eliminate stress, have a quiet sleep through the methods suggested above, avoid drinking, tobacco and alcohol, avoid psychotropic stimulants. Do not make objects like chewing gum or pencil ends.
Place the tip of the tongue between the two arches and apply a warm compress to the cheek to relax the muscles. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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