How do we make the difference between food poisoning and indigestion?

How do we make the difference between food poisoning and indigestion?
How do we make the difference between food poisoning and indigestion?

Food toxinfection is a disease caused by the consumption of foods or beverages contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or parasites. Many organisms can cause food poisoning, and the most common are: Norovirus, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria monocytogenes. Children, the elderly, and chronic disease patients are the most likely to be at risk of food intoxication. • Diarrhea is the first and worst symptom, • Nausea, • • Abdominal pain. In case of a severe food poisoning, the patient is dehydrated as a result of persistent, blurred vision, severe abdominal pain and. In this situation, the patient should go to the gastroenterologist's specialist.

In the case of mild symptoms, it is sufficient for the patient to properly hydrate with rehydration salts and to follow for a few days a diet. PreventionConnect properly processed foods, avoid unpasteurized sausages and dairy and pay special attention to food hygiene. Indigestion, called medical, is manifested by discomfort in the upper abdomen. Indigestion is accompanied by abdominal pain and a full sensation early on during a meal. Indigestion can also be a symptom of another digestive disease.

• Feeling of early satiety • Discomfort and / or burning sensation in the upper abdomen • Nausea followed by vomiting • Abdominal pain • Tears. Many factors are the cause of indigestion, usually caused by lifestyle, eating or medication, excess coffee or alcohol, and carbonated beverages. Also, ulcer, pancreatitis or constipation can trigger indigestion. Changing lifestyle can improve or even cure indigestion. Thus, it is advisable to avoid eating foods that can trigger indigestion: fried foods, fats, very spicy foods, and the limitation of alcohol and caffeine consumption.

At the same time, limiting the level and anxiety is indicated. .

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