How do we recognize the signs of hypoglycemia?

How do we recognize the signs of hypoglycemia?
How do we recognize the signs of hypoglycemia?

• Deferring, omitting or even forgetting a meal • Changing the diet without the doctor's agreement • Serving additional treatments to relieve or cure other diseases and to lower blood sugar • Modify doses without the permission of the specialist doctor . Unfortunately, in the case of hypoglycemia, the manifestations are varied and many, some may even be confused with. • persistent headaches • nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting • certain • unexplained fatigue • aggressive manifestations • presence of skin pallor • cold sweat • increased muscle tone • confusion • discomfort . In the event of a hypoglycaemic crisis, first aid measures are indicated both for the patient and for those around him. Mild hypoglycemia: - when the symptoms are not so obvious or intense, and the situation is solved by administering some sugar sachets. Moderate hypoglycaemia: this time the symptoms are persistent and obvious, and the patient is advised to consume sugar or glucose immediately.

Severe hypoglycaemia: is a very serious condition because the patient with diabetes is inconsistent, so in such cases specialized care is required. - ingestion of a diet rich in carbohydrates - digestive surgery - voluntary and suicidal administration of hypoglycemia or insulin medication - insulins - other hypoglycaemic tumors - or corticosuprarenaliana - autoimmune hypoglycaemia. .

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