How do you get rid of the brown spots on your face?

How do you get rid of the brown spots on your face?
How do you get rid of the brown spots on your face?

Excessive exposure to the sun may cause the so-called Frequently, after a holiday at sea, there are melanin accumulations in more sensitive areas, which is a skin pigment secreted by melanocytes with protective role. Generally, these spots occur after skin burns caused by ultraviolet rays, more precisely those of type B. What to do? . 1. To get rid of existing hyperpigmentations, the best remedy is to use creams, serums for this problem. These products should be based on ingredients such as: pomegranate extracts, betaine, arbutin, which act on pigmentation by an inhibiting effect of melanogenesis.

In addition to the effect promised by them, they also have the role of exfoliating gentil and providing skin luminosity, smoothening the texture of the complexion and moisturizing in depth. 2. Another important rule that we must adhere to if we want to light up sun-drenched skin is to exfoliate the skin once a week in order to eliminate the dead cells stored and at the same time to speed cell regeneration. Scrub type exfoliants will be used, but if the skin is sensitive, an enzymatic peeling based on plant enzymes such as papaya, pineapple, gluconalactone etc. will be used.

. 3. If the sun has left some more obvious skin spots, then it's certainly time to start a professional intensive care treatment at the salon. Bema White is the 100% certified BIO Professional recommendation, with highly concentrated active principles and acting on deep melanin secretion. A cure consisting of 4 cosmetic treatments with a one-weekly session is recommended.

Once you have used this cure for brightness treatments, direct sun exposure is contraindicated. 4. In case of severe (old, extensive, hard to remove) stains, noninvasive treatments with broad band light or laser treatments. Prevention First of all The best method of preventing hyperpigmentation spots is the daily use of sunscreen creams, not just in the warm season. It is recommended to use creams that contain mineral filters with a SPF50 protection factor against both UVA and UVB rays, especially when using creams or serums to light and exfoliate the skin.

It should be used every day of the year, regardless of weather or weather conditions.

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