How does the belief in spiritual healing help me

How does the belief in spiritual healing help me
How does the belief in spiritual healing help me

\. Sometimes the best decision is to make peace inside. We do not know how to enjoy silence. I'm with myself and God . . .

That's the beginning. I can sit in silence without the need for a sound background so I do not feel alone, sad. You do not need to take your heart and mind away to be good. Get down to your heart and be gentle with yourself, be delicate with what you find there and come back whenever you feel the need. You ran away enough to meet with you! .

My religious education cared for the lady of the religion professor, who went to work every Sunday and on holidays. She was the one who presented me to all the priests as a student who writes religious poems, being the only student who, at school sessions, recited his own poems. This is how the heart filled with love for all the holy things. And he kept my enthusiasm up to the 8th grade. Religion was my favorite matter, of course, and the fact that I was conscious of His presence and the guardian angel kept the evil away from me.

In fact, I have always been badly harmed, even though 2006 - 2013 was a long period of pause, the period when I listened to the rumors that appeared in the press about various church side priests and I removed. Photo Source: Shutterstock / By KieferPixIn 2013 we were at the end of the power and at the same time we were taking a new road: we ended a four-year relationship and I was to move myself into the house I had bought. But what was my point in life? . In 2013 we arrived at Pangarati, Piatra Neamt, at a monastery of monks. I may write whole pages if I go to tell you what I have lived every time I get there, so I will only say that finally I found the place that brings peace to me.

Quite a bit, but it's worth every way - it's the only place to do wonders with me. But do you know how it helps faith? . Once you begin to head in that direction you feel His work, see that beautiful things happen to you, that you feel better, that you are calmer, that the heart enjoys more. At Pangarati I met the most beautiful, hearty, blonde, happy, calm, laborers and priestly priests, young, perhaps younger than me, and the old. These are those priests who do not let you go there until they offer you a book, an apple, a chocolate, without asking or waiting for something to change.

I just want you to come back and do not give up prayer. Up there, in the hill, I get the love that down in the city, people refuse to give it away, or some have even lost it definitively. My follower there is my doctor and therapist. It is the way a priest should be. with grace.

I feel blessed that it has been given me to get to the right place and find the people I read about in religion books. Photo source: Cristian Lazer Cat helps my faith? . I feel healed after each confession, I feel cured after every job I attend, I feel cured when I know I have someone who always prays for me, I feel healed when I pray and when I read the teachings and parables of the Holy Fathers. Yes, I've cured my depression by faith. In December I was the last time and it was so hard to resist.

During my job I came to all possible negative thoughts, I wanted to go back to town, something told me I was good and I did not need to be there. But it was 8 o'clock in the evening and I was in Piatra Neamt, how could I get home? . My heart was filled with love for each of them, I was beginning to feel safe. It was only from that moment that I was able to dedicate my body and soul to the ministry. It is said that it is good to pray for you, because the prayer of others for their neighbors is much stronger.

I have Father Arsenie, the Piatra Neamt confessor, whose prayer is immediately felt. For example, he wanted to not have the job I had in 2013, because we were tempting many through his prism. When the opportunity came to hire me elsewhere, I asked him to pray for me because I would not have given up a 5-year job for something I was not sure. Prayer and that for a week I went every day to Radu Voda Monastery in Bucharest made the week to close any publication I worked for many years and get a job immediately elsewhere. I felt the power of his prayer when I could not reach him in Pangarati.

In the summer of last year, I asked him if he had time to receive me to confess and he replied, \. We did not, of course. In December I wrote and asked him if there was a prayer that would bring me faster there. \. What time do you reach? .

] Room 1, 1st Floor, \. This time he was convinced I'd get there. and we even arrived. On leaving, he said to me, \. Photo Source: Cristian Lazer When you confess, you heal And I am \.

Many ask, but why do I have to tell a priest what a pity I have, that God knows and forgives me anyway? The spiritualist, as the convaler of Spovedania, must shake himself with virtue because he is a man of the Spirit, a man in which he works . Spirituality is not a priest's right, but it is from God, which must be supported by the preaching for general priesthood, a preoccupation for acquiring the skill of spirituality and for shaping one's own person in the light of God's commandments, which are holy and sanctifying. \. 18, 18). The conversation with a confessor is always sacramental.

Each spiritual father is the living image of Christ, and the disciple is obliged to obey and respect him. In the comforting chair he is a model, not a legislator. The cannulae to be administered are indicative, he can alleviate them, applying them to concrete cases, different from each other. Some apply them in the letter of the law, with others in spirit, for some they are unconquerable, for others more gentle. The Duke has the power to appreciate.

No one can be absent from the confessor. .

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