it represents the blockage of the small or large intestine, with the impossibility of passing the food bowl to the colon and rectum. The causes of intestinal occlusion are diverse and lead to occlusion of the small intestine or occlusion of the large intestine. Large intestine occlusion is actually colon occlusion or colorectal occlusion. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . The food bowl reached this level is fermented, nutrients are absorbed and faeces are formed in the colon.
When the occlusion of the colon occurs, all the digested food proximal to the site of the occlusion will remain there, unable to pass the obstacle, and will subsequently be excreted through vomiting. In the absence of treatment, the occluded portion of the large intestine suffers from ischemia and necrosis, leading to severe complications. The signs of intestinal occlusion usually appear suddenly, but they can appear a few days before the moment when they reach maximum intensity. These include:\r\n. Call a doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear.
The most common causes of large intestine occlusion in adults are:\r\n. The name is and the mechanism involves problems with the innervation of the intestinal muscles, which slows down normal bowel movements. Paralytic ileus can affect any part of the intestine (small or large). Possible causes are:\r\n. Intestinal occlusion can lead to interruption of the vascularization in the region of the occluded intestine.
The lack of vascularization produces necrosis of the intestinal tissue, so that it practically dies. The dead tissue is frequently complicated by intestinal perforation, at which point the faeces reach the abdominal cavity and severe infection occurs\r\n\r\n. is the medical term that indicates infection of the abdominal cavity. It is a life-threatening pathology and a medical-surgical emergency, due to the rapid evolution towards sepsis and organ failure\r\n\r\n. Since it is considered an emergency, the anamnesis will proceed quickly and will focus on the current symptoms, as well as on the patient's medical history in order to suspect a cause.
With the help of the objective examination, in which the doctor visualizes and palpates the abdomen, it will quickly be oriented towards intestinal occlusion: the abdomen can be distended or rigid, painful and with absent bowel sounds. Paraclinical imaging tests confirm the diagnosis and can establish the cause:\r\n\r\n. A useful exam in an emergency, but it cannot always visualize the location of the obstruction. • CT. It is performed urgently in most medical services and identifies the occlusion and its cause with great accuracy\r\n.
It is especially preferred in the case of an intestinal occlusion that occurs in children. • Barite transit. A special type of abdominal x-ray, in which the patient swallows a contrast substance that highlights the area of \u200b\u200bocclusion. The optimal treatment for each case depends on the cause of the occlusion, but all cases require hospitalization and careful monitoring before and after the therapeutic intervention. The treatment of choice includes hydroelectrolytic rebalancing and surgical treatment.
For hydro-electrolytic rebalancing and stabilization, when you arrive at the hospital, the doctors will ensure that:\r\n\r\n. This is how abdominal decompression takes place\r\n. If you have partial occlusion, also called subocclusion, a condition in which a small part of the food passes the obstacle, the surgical intervention is postponed until you are hydrated and stabilized. The operation can later be performed laparoscopically or classically with an open approach. If the transit is completely blocked, you have total occlusion and the surgical intervention is performed as an emergency rule, without waiting for a preparation period.
During the operation, the doctor will resect the part of the intestine where the occlusion occurred. Most of the time, due to intestinal inflammation and distension, the connection between the healthy portions of the intestine cannot be made immediately, but is made during a subsequent intervention. During the time period between the two interventions, a colostomy is fitted, which means that the intestine is brought to the skin and connected to a collecting bag, a colostomy that is only temporary until the integrity of the tissue is restored. Before the second intervention, the doctors will check the condition of the colon with the help of an endoscope. If the doctor considers that your signs and symptoms are caused by a paralytic ileus, he will monitor you for 1-2 days in the hospital until the cause is identified.
The treatment of ileus is then established depending on the treatment of its cause. In the meantime, you will be fed with the help of the nasogastric tube, you will receive hydration and rebalancing solutions with the help of the venous catheter and you will be carefully monitored, since the paralytic ileus can heal spontaneously, by itself, without surgical interventions. Occlusion of the large intestine represents a medical-surgical emergency because of the severe immediate complications it can have. This occurs due to various obstacles in the colon and is manifested by specific intestinal symptoms, of high intensity. Call for medical help as soon as you notice the first symptoms.
Bibliography\r\n\r\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n . Catalin Copaescu\n . university. Bogdan Mastalier Manolescu\n . Iulian Brezean\n .
IOAN CANTACUZINO\n \n \n . university. Silviu Voinea\n . ALEXANDRU TRESTIOREAN\n \n \n . .
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