How to make your own manicure at home

How to make your own manicure at home
How to make your own manicure at home

Do not you have time to get to the salon every month for a perfect manicure? . You need time, patience and some quality products to help you get the results you aspire to. Ioana Hăndăbuţ - Profihairshop specialist offers some useful tips that can be easily applied to you at home. 1. Nail Stitching Once you have cut your nails, it is very important to pile them to avoid rupturing or peeling them. Although we have been nailing our nails since adolescence, many of us continue to do it in the wrong way, with go-go moves that do nothing but damage the nail.

Use the saw only in one direction, from the edges to the center, and so your nails will get the desired shape. For smoothing, do not forget to gently rub the edge of the nail by a not very harsh material, such as cotton. Most importantly, finally check that all nails are of the same shape and length. Tip: Use the nail file 7 steps for a quick manicure. The saw has 7 abrasive faces, numbered in order of use - from shape to finishing.

2. Cuticle Care The shape of the nail is also greatly influenced by how cuticles are cared for. It is indicated to hydrate the cuticle and then push it gently to remove it. Do not cut cuticles because this habit leads to their faster growth and an unpleasant appearance. Hydration can be done with a special cuticle oil, which by massaging nourishes the nail entirely.

Tip: Do not apply colored or transparent paint immediately after using the oil. 3. Apply Thin Layer Irrespective of whether you opt for a colorful or transparent paint, it is recommended to apply the product to a thin layer. This makes you look more nail-friendly and durable. Start application from the middle of the nail and continue with the two sides.

Tip: Use a nail base before applying the oil to prevent yellowing and thinning of the nail. Do you know that story with the apple that looks very healthy on the outside, but is it rotten inside? . A correct manicure means healthy, neat and aesthetic nails. .

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