Ignoring suspicious moieties can lead to cancer

Ignoring suspicious moieties can lead to cancer
Ignoring suspicious moieties can lead to cancer

Typical moles: - They have a uniform color, dark brown, tan, red, pink - Measure below 5 millimeters - They are round and have regular edges - They do not change their shape and color. Atypical moles: - They can form anywhere on the body, including the head, neck, scalp, trunk. They sometimes appear on the face - They may have a flat form or they may be in the form of an increase - They are larger than 5 millimeters - They have uneven edges - They contain two or more colors - Their surface can be smooth, durable . Permanent self-evaluation is indicated, following any changes in form, size and color. Check each part of the body, including the scalp, back of the arms, palms, soles, area between the toes and feet, the back of the neck, the area behind the knees and including the genital area and the buttocks. Keeps track of these moles, noting any new moles, but also any changes that occur.

Although most atypical moles do not turn into cancer, some of them may become carcinogenic. is a form of skin cancer that originates in pigment-producing cells, those that produce and the moles. The most important sign of melanoma alarm is to change the size, shape or color of a moon. The risk of being cancerous is 1 to 100, compared to 1 in 3. 000 typical moles that can turn into melanoma.

When do you go to a doctor? Any suspect modification of the moles should be checked by the dermatologist. Moles become suspicious when they get asymmetrical, they grow in size, their pigmentation becomes uneven and the edges become irregular. Changes such as motile height, swelling, burning sensations or burning at the level of the moon are signs of melanoma. The doctor will perform a biopsy that will be analyzed in the lab to determine whether or not it is cancer. Follow the changes - do a monthly self-evaluation, especially if there is a history of melanoma in the family.

Self-evaluation can be done with mirrors. Protect your skin - Take action to protect yourself from sunshine and UV sunshine at least 30. Avoid staying in the sun between 11 o'clock. 00 and 16. 00 - Schedule your outdoor activities for other hours of the day.

Avoid exposing the sun - it emit UV rays that can increase the risk of skin cancer. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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