Increased cholesterol: how do you keep it at normal levels?

Increased cholesterol: how do you keep it at normal levels?
Increased cholesterol: how do you keep it at normal levels?

Cholesterol is a type of fat produced largely by the liver but which can also be taken from eating. The role of cholesterol in the body is to maintain cellular integrity, synthesize certain hormones and bile, metabolize liposoluble vitamins and, to some extent, be responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous and immune system. Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol There are two types of cholesterol, HDL, considered good cholesterol, and LDL, considered bad cholesterol. Their role is different in the body, good cholesterol having the function of bad cholesterol recycling and, at the same time, is responsible for the protection of blood vessels. Bad cholesterol, however, is deposited on the blood vessels, narrowing them and finally blocking them, implicitly aggravating the activity of the leukocytes, the cells of the immune system trying to annihilate it. LDL favors the onset of cardiovascular disease, being a causative factor in stroke and stroke.

Normal Cholesterol Values ​​To maintain health, cholesterol should be kept within normal limits, in other words, the total blood cholesterol level should not exceed 200 mg / dl. Thus, HDL cholesterol should be greater than 40 mg / dl, and LDL cholesterol should be less than 115 mg / dl. According to studies, more than a third of Romanians are affected by hypercholesterolemia, being considered worldwide a disease of this century. Although it increases with age, more and more young people, due to unhealthy eating, stress, and sedentary disease, have been found with high levels of cholesterol in the blood. What is krill oil? .

About 10 years ago, after extensive research, it has been shown that krill oil, called in scientific terms Euphausia superb, is healthier and beneficial to human body than fish oil, being up to 40% more effective in decreasing . Benefits of krill oilThe krill oil is the most valuable natural source of omega-3 fatty acids, the difference from fish oil consisting in the fact that they are in the form of soluble phospholipids that are totally absorbed by the cells of the body. This benefit turns krill oil into the best treatment against high cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time, krill oil also favors the growth of HDL, good cholesterol required to maintain cardiovascular health. In addition to Omega 3 fatty acids, krill oil contains a powerful antioxidant, called astaxanthin, and marine lecithin, ingredients that make it useful in treating dementia, Alzheimer's disease and ADHD syndrome, with beneficial effects on the nervous system.

According to the studies, krill oil is a good antidepressant remedy, treats premenstrual symptoms and helps mental development of the fetus. On the other hand, krill oil, being a much purer product than fish oil, supports liver health and favors the detoxification of the body. In addition, it has a powerful anti-inflammatory role, with positive results in treating arthritis and gout, and is an excellent immunostimulator. Also, its beneficial effects have been demonstrated in stomach affections, having the ability to fight against Heliobacter Pylori and improve digestion. is a food supplement that supports the health of the cardiovascular system by regulating cholesterol and triglycerides and maintaining blood pressure within normal limits.

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