Causes of Infectious Mononucleosis Infectious mononucleosis (MNI), also known as The Epstein-Barr virus (VEB) was discovered by Epstein, Achong and Burkitt 54 years ago in Butkitt's lymphoma cells by the electron microscopy. Four years later, in 1968, it was clear that EB virus is the etiologic agent of infectious mononucleosis. EB virus infects approximately 90% of the population and persists for the entire duration of life as a latent infection. EB virus is part of the herpesvirus family. In humans, EB infection occurs after contact with oral secretions. The virus, once penetrated into the body, multiplies directly into B lymphocytes or the cells of the oropharynx epithelium (B lymphocytes being subsequently affected by contact with these cells).
Source: Infectious diseases. Diagnosis and treatment, Popa Iaşi, 2012 Photo: pixabay. com Contents Causes of infectious mononucleosis How to show infectious mononucleosis Diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis Treatment of infectious mononucleosis up How is infectious mononucleosis manifested Clinical manifestations. Incubation ranges from 3 to 7 weeks, sometimes up to 60 days. The onset of illness is usually insidious (4-5 days), with general manifestations: fever, headache, general influenza, major asthenia, myalgia.
The characteristic triad consists of fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy. The status period is characterized by: - Fever - is a constant manifestation (80%), which can be presented as a fever, septic, remitting or intermittent, with values of 38-40 ° C, with a duration of 7-28 . - Angina - present in 80-95% of patients, it may be erythematous, erythematopoietic and pseudomembranous (it differs from diphtheria angina through the facility to remove inflammatory exudate - with a buffer or spatula). It lasted about 2 weeks. - Adenopathy - is also common (80%); .
They are firm, painless and unbearable. - Splenomegaly - present in 50% of cases, it is friable, with risk of rupture due to lacunae, subcapsular haemorrhage. It lasts 2-3 weeks and even more. Clinical forms Congenital and neonatal infection is manifested by microgneasis, cataracts, thrombocytopenia. In infants and children up to 4 years of age, the infection is asymptomatic or is manifested by nonspecific symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain, upper respiratory tract infection).
Adolescents and young adults develop infectious mononucleosis with the characters described above. Diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis Differential diagnosis Differential diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations: - Angina - with bacterial angina, adenovirus, diphtheria angina, secondary angina (agranulocytosis, post-ingestion of caustic substances); . rubeolic, v. hepatitis A, B, C, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycoplasma, Treponema pallidum, Toxoplasma gondii, and in acute or chronic leukosis. Evolution and prognosis: Infectious mononucleosis is a benign disease with spontaneous healing evolution and sustained immunity after disease.
Under immunodepression conditions, EB persistent in lymphocytes can be reactivated to cause neoplastic and lymphoproliferative disorders. top Treatment of infectious mononucleosis Treatment There is no specific therapy for infectious mononucleosis. Although acyclovir inhibits the multiplication and reduces the elimination of the virus, it has no effect on the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis, and is therefore not recommended. Acyclovir is only effective in the therapy of hairy leucoplasia of the tongue, but relapse is common after stopping therapy. Corticosteroids shorten the duration of fever and oropharyngeal symptoms but are only recommended in complicated forms of infectious mononucleosis: upper airway obstruction, acute haemolytic anemia, severe cardiac damage, or neurological impairment.
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