The woman's job is to become a mother, and the majority of women remain pregnant with great ease, while at the opposite side are couples who, although they make huge efforts, fail to bring a child into the world. Whether it's her or her problem, infertility is a tough diagnosis and very hard to accept. Signs of infertilityTravel infertility is defined as the inability to conceive a pregnancy after one year in which the couple had unprotected sexual intercourse at regular intervals for women under the age of 35 and 6 months for those over the age of . The decline in fertility begins after 30 years and progressively increases to 40 years, the causes being multiple and on both partners. Worldwide, 15-20% of the reproductive age population is affected by this problem, and in Romania the situation appears to be more and more alarming, with worrying statistics: 1 out of 10 couples suffer from infertility. What are the causes of infertility? Infertility can be primary and secondary.
We talk of primary infertility in the situation where there was no previous pregnancy and secondary infertility if there were tasks in the history of the couple. Generally speaking, there are three major categories of infertility: feminine, masculine and couple. Feminine infertility responds to about 40% of the causes of infertility - anovulation or oligoovulation - inconstantial ovulation (oligoovulation) or its absence (anovulation) causes infertility - uterine tubal disorders - the uterine cavity is the one that allows the implantation of the fertilized ovocyte into the uterine lining, . Uterine abnormalities may interfere with the load implant mechanism. For example, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine polyps, etc.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome - Most women diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome have infertility due to the absence of ovulation; . Untreated, it can lead to infertility, - other diseases - thyroid disease, chronic liver or kidney disease, certain cardiac diseases, excess hormone prolactin, progesterone deficiency can interfere with fertility, - lifestyle - stress, smoking, chronic consumption . The main causes that can lead to male infertility - genetic factors - improper sperm quality - ejaculatory flow abnormalities (retrograde ejaculation) - varicocele - is a testicular vein dilatation that can have repercussions on male fertility - hormonal deficits - hypogonadism . Infertility of couple or mixed is the result of problems that affect both partners, which must be investigated in parallel. Diagnosis and treatmentThe first step in finding out why a couple can not have children is to carry out a set of general analyzes for assessing couple history and the existence of other diseases that can affect fertility.
We investigate the proper functioning of the genitals: transvaginal ultrasounds. If there is a lack of ovulation during ovulation, it is recommended to perform hysterosalpingography for the assessment of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. Performing the hormonal profile - hormone levels FSH, TSH, LH, Free-T4 and estradiol. The partner will also perform common blood and urine tests, hormonal analysis and urological consultation. The spermogram, testicular / scrotal ultrasounds or a testicular biopsy have the role of determining the causes of infertility in the male.
Treatment follows the cause and must be instituted after the infertility specialist determines the cause of infertility and has a clear diagnosis. The ways of infertility include: medicines, surgery, artificial insemination, and assisted reproduction technology (in vitro fertilization). Infertility can have profound psychological consequences, in which case the role of the therapist is significant. .
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