Irregular tables?

Irregular tables?
Irregular tables?

• The emotional state suffers. This is because of starvation, just like in the case. When a person does not eat properly, nervousness, irritability, and sometimes even depression occur. • Decrease power of concentration and memorization. When you do not feed properly, it decreases, as well as the ability to concentrate and memorize. For optimal functioning, the brain needs glucose.

This is one more reason to strive to eat at fixed hours so that your blood sugar is kept under control. • When you do not eat healthily and preferably 3 meals a day, your stomach suffers and all kinds of problems arise from either starvation or food imbalances or chaotic meals. At the same time, another disorder caused by unbalanced eating is the result of an abnormal functioning of the body. • Gastroesophageal reflux or stomach burns are also based on a stressful lifestyle with irregular meals, virtually a nutritional imbalance. • Buying extra pounds.

If you do not eat at fixed hours, the body does not know when it will receive food and from the little act it will keep for later, which means you will choose extra pounds in a fairly short time. If you have the habit of eating late at night, surely your silhouette will undergo important changes. In addition, late-served meals may cause restless sleep or even insomnia. • The immune system suffers when you do not feed properly. For example, if you jump over meals, or if you have a habit of eating fast food or pastry, the signs will not delay to appear.

More specifically, either the heart will suffer, either the digestive system or both. When we do not respect a regime and one, without excesses, when we abuse bad fats we increase the risk for. In addition, the digestive system may become ill, so the immunity of the body decreases because much of a person's immunity is in close contact with the digestive system. Consequently, it is very important to do everything in your power to stay healthy and avoid all these troubles. Their prevention is achieved through a healthy lifestyle made up of balanced nutrition, rich in.

Replace sweets as much as possible with fruits, hydrate properly, sleep well and do daily exercise, at least 30 minutes. .

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