Lidia Buble lived on 100 lei a day.

Lidia Buble lived on 100 lei a day.
Lidia Buble lived on 100 lei a day.

Lidia Buble lived on 100 lei a day when she moved to Bucharest, but she was never ashamed to talk about that period in her life, even though it was not an easy one at all. Lidia Buble never dreamed she would reach as high as she is now. She is a well-known and loved artist in our country, but not everyone knows how much she struggled and how hard she worked for all her dreams. She wanted to do something else with her life, to succeed, but she did not think that her songs would become hits, nor did she imagine that she would be listened to by an entire country. Before things turned out so beautifully, the artist had to work after moving from her hometown because she needed money to support herself. Răzvan Simion's ex-life partner spoke about this difficult period in her life, in a podcast in which she was recently invited.

He does not regret the fact that he struggled and worked, because without the efforts he made then, he would not have succeeded in being who he is today. Read more on 9news. .

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