

Not everyone can boast the perfect silhouette. However, in addition to sports and diet, there are also surgical removal of fat deposits, namely liposuction, also known as liposuction or liposculpture. The areas for which we most often appeal to liposuction are the hips, abdomen, waist, thighs, gambles, inner knee region, arms, fissure region, submouth (chin), neck, mandibular line,. However, liposuction in these areas can not be done all at once, but in turn, so I invited Dr. Oltjon Cobani to talk to us more about this surgical intervention, which is increasingly demanded by Romanian patients, being also the most sought after aesthetic intervention in the world. Specialist consultant: dr.

Oltjon Cobani Cabinet Address: ProEstetica Clinic, Tudor Stefan Entrance, no. 38-40, Sector 1, Bucharest Programming Cabinet consultations, tel: +40 765 681 707 Who is addressed to liposuction? . This does not mean that people who do not have these features can not resort to liposuction, but in order to achieve the desired results, liposuction will have to be associated with other procedures. A first evaluation of the patient by the surgeon will determine whether he is a good candidate and what will be the technique and treatment. At the same time, it will make an assessment of the patient's health, analyze the medical history, and conduct an honest discussion about the patient's motivation and expectations for this aesthetic intervention.

How to prepare for liposuction? . It is also preferable to stop contraception by one month before surgery, thus lowering the risk of thrombosis. If the patient contacts a flu or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, the operation may be postponed. As an aesthetic intervention, it is important for the patient to be healthy before surgery to avoid any inconvenience. The procedure of liposuction can be performed by means of different assisted lipoplasty (SAL), power assisted lipoplasty (PAL) or ultrasound assisted lipoplasty (UAL), or others, all of which aim to achieve the patient's desired results.

Choosing the liposuction technique is rather one that depends on experience. The most commonly used method is the classic one, by intrusion or the so-called The preoperative areas are infiltrated with a solution called Klein solution, after which the adipose tissue is extracted by means of liposuction tubes. Liposuction is a closed surgical technique, performed by small, slightly visible incisions, under general anesthesia. At the level of these incisions, carried out in close proximity to the treatment area, fine tubes called A pump for collecting adipose tissue is attached to the opposite end of the cannula. Fluid storage of fat deposits is achieved by injecting a mixture of physiological saline, local anesthetic, bicarbonate and adrenaline called Klein solution.

Incisions are then closed by suture threads, but there are cases where their dimensions are so small that suture is no longer required. The threads will be removed after 5-6 days. In some cases, liposuction can also be associated with laser lipolysis to ensure a good skin retardation if it has a higher degree of laxity. Recovery after liposculpture In areas undergoing surgery, some compressions or elastic bandages will be applied to compress post-operative edema. After surgery, the patient is required to wear a special garment for a month to help achieve the desired result.

The patient will receive specific instructions on care of the area being treated, appropriate medication and indications of the lifestyle to be followed by such intervention. After this intervention, bruises that occur between 7-10 days after surgery are possible. There may also be some degree of pain comparable to a muscular fever, but which yields to common analgesics. The end result will not be visible immediately, although a difference will be seen from the first post-operative day. The final evaluation of the success will be done only after 1-3 months, when the need for retouching (although in most cases is not necessary).

However, a notable result will be observed 1 month after the procedure. .

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