Lyme disease is not the only transmission of ticks

Lyme disease is not the only transmission of ticks
Lyme disease is not the only transmission of ticks

American doctors described the disease and called it \. \. The individual reaction is different from human to human. Like any affection, it goes through several stages, namely: 1. The state of chronic migratory erythema or \. The stage of disseminated infection, which occurs after several days within a few weeks, in which case spirochetes spread by blood or other organs;.

Stage of persistent infection develops over several months and creates the ground for some serious complications. It is known that most new cases of illness occur during the warmer months, \. It is the disease that affects any age category. Also, the incidence is equally met in both children and adults. Symptoms are different, depending on the stage.

Thus, in the first stage, fever, headaches, joints, lymph nodes become inflamed and erythema. In the second stage, if it does not intervene, the disease spreads through the bloodstream, the symptoms of this stage being headache, dizziness,. Very rarely, inflammation of the liver may occur, dry cough,. Within a few months of infection, cardiac damage may occur. The last stage is characterized by the appearance of signs of arthritis, if it does not intervene with effective treatment.

Diagnosis is difficult, so the differential is used, taking into account the fact that in Lyme patients, chronic asthenia is correlated with articular syndrome. Patients not infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease do not have joint inflammation. Treatment involves the administration of oral antibiotics, but if the neurological manifestation intervenes, intravenous. Complications can sometimes be serious, but if it occurs in time, full recovery can be achieved in most cases. A very small number shows chronic signs of this disease, because it did not intervene on time.

Prevention is by avoiding tick bite. It is recommended to avoid areas with abundant vegetation, or if this is impossible, apply different solutions on clothes or skin, but attention, not children, because they can be absorbed through the skin. Another way to prevent it is to remove ticks. After returning home, check your body for any bruising / bites, especially in the axillary area, groin, submammary area, neck, and hair implant line. If you notice a tick, remove and disinfect it with antiseptic or medicinal alcohol.

In Europe, the tick is the cause of many diseases, not just Lyme disease: - fever - Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever - Recurrent fever - Babesiosis - Tularemia - Anaplasmosis. It often affects the brain, sometimes irreversible. It is transmitted by the tick, but it has also been found that contaminated unpasteurised milk causes the disease. It's a symptom-onset infection after about four weeks of biting. Among the first symptoms are fatigue, and nausea.

Followed in the immediate period by signs of meningitis and / or encephalitis. Hospitalization is absolutely necessary. In order to avoid infection, there is a vaccine that offers 95% protection, but it does not cover other diseases caused by the tick. In the first stage analgesics are given to relieve pain. Complications of the disease require multidisciplinary assessment and appropriate treatment.

Complications of the disease may be memory disorders, attention disorders, or movement disorders. Prevention is achieved by wearing long-sleeved, long-sleeved, dark-haired, dark footwear, skin-tight, and on-the-shelf solutions found at the pharmacy. It is an infection with mild symptoms, but also with worsening to death, following a fatal haemorrhagic syndrome, in 10-40% of cases. It is transmitted through the tick bite, but also through contact in the skin or mucous membranes with infected blood or animal tissue or the consumption of. It can be transmitted from person to person.

Symptomology is different in each of the four phases of the infection. After the incubation phase, which lasts between 3 and 7 days, the prehemorrhagic phase follows, with symptoms seen in other viral infections: fever, muscle aches, joints, conjunctivitis,. Follows bleeding phase, short, with conjunctival haemorrhages,, melena. The last phase, the convalescence, is characterized by tachycardia, weak pulse, hearing loss,. Treatment usually depends on the severity of the disease, reaching the blood transfusion.

Prevention is done by avoiding physical contact with infected persons, avoiding the consumption of raw meat or wearing gloves during the slaughter of animals. There is also a vaccine against this infection, available only in Eastern Europe. Symptoms occur within the first 18 days of biting. The existing fever lasts between 3 and 6 days, accompanied by photophobia. Neurological disorders such as facial paralysis or hemiplegia may also occur.

The death rate is very low. It is a disease caused by a parasite that infects and destroys erythrocytes (red blood cells). The whole tick is responsible for infection, which in turn is infected with the parasite that causes the disease. The most common symptoms are those of a cold (muscle pain). There is no vaccine against this disease, but antibiotics are used for treatment.

It is transmitted by the Francisella tularensis bacterium. Affects mammals, usually rodents, but also birds and reptiles, with pulmonary, dermatological and ophthalmic complications. Tear bite is the one that transmits the disease. And by direct contact with an animal that has been infected or with the bites of other insects, people can get sick. It is a fatal illness if the necessary treatment is not given.

In the early stages antibiotics are recommended. The characteristic symptoms are headaches, chills, ulcerations in the place of biting,. Specialists confirm that the occurrence of another Lyme disease-like disease, called anaplasmosis, is up 30% in recent years. It is also called human granulocytic anasplasmosis. The same transmitter is in this case the ticker.

Symptoms occur in the first two weeks of the tick bite. The infected person manifests fever, headache, muscle aches. Symptoms are similar to those present in Lyme disease, but specialists have come to the conclusion that Lyme disease can have serious long-term effects compared to anasplamosis. A problem arises in the case of differential diagnosis, because in the case of anasplasmosis there is no skin eruption, as is the case with Lyme disease, so diagnosis is made more difficult. A small percentage is fatal, about 1%, but experts warn that without early intervention, the disease can have serious consequences.

At the time of finding the bite of this parasite, it is necessary to remove it carefully so that its head does not remain in the skin. Use a tweezer, being the most appropriate. After removal, disinfect the area with water, soap or antiseptic. If signs of infection are observed around the area affected by the bite and characteristic symptoms, urgent consultation of the doctor. .

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