- over 55 years of age - exposure to strong light - hypercholesterolemia (increased cholesterol) - smoking - - - family predisposition. Age-related macular degeneration occurs after 50 years and may cause different symptoms in different patients and may be difficult to observe at the initial stage. Sometimes the sight is affected only by a certain eye, while the other can be kept for many years. If both eyes are affected, loss of central vision may occur much faster. The following signs may appear: - the words appear veiled (distorted and in the fog) - a dark or bare area appears in the center - the straight lines appear distorted. Regular aging of the retina is a physiological process involving the formation of small deposits of \.
Excessive deposits cause the appearance of the two forms of macular degeneration described below. There are two types of degeneration: 1. \. 2. Macular degeneration \.
It occurs when abnormal blood vessels are formed under the retina. From these new blood vessels fluid or blood flows and consequently the central vision is affected. Loss of vision can be rapid and severe. Given that many of us do not realize they have a macular problem than when visual disturbances become obvious, only an ophthalmologist can detect an early stage macular degeneration. The ophthalmologic examination to detect macular degeneration consists of: - a simple visualization test, in which you look at a similar millimeter (Amsler test) exam - the eye exam with macula visualization using the ophthalmoscope.
Occasionally, special eye photographs, called angiographs with fluorescein (a fluorescent substance), are taken to detect abnormalities of the blood vessels located beneath the retina. Fluorescein (a dye) is injected into a vein of the arm and eye, especially the retina, and is photographed as the substance passes through the retinal vessels. Some nutrients based on, unsaturated fatty acids, lutein, vitamins, copper, zinc and could prevent or even slow the processes of macular aging. Lutein, a basic constituent of macular pigment, has an important protective action against light blue radiation, reducing the risk of degeneration. Essential are also of particular importance through their properties of improving and improving retinal metabolism.
The association between lutein and unsaturated fatty acids would have a greater effect than if they were administered separately. Recently, the option of intraocular injections has appeared with substances that inhibit the appearance of new blood vessels and prevent disease progression. Laser surgery and photodynamic therapy are used today at high standards in ophthalmic clinics. Certain types of \. Laser surgery and photodynamic therapy use a beam focused on light to slow or stop leakage from the blood vessels, leakage that affects the macula.
This procedure determines keeping vision at that stage, not being a treatment that will restore vision to the initial stage, but a treatment that stops evolution. Despite medical treatment, many patients with macular degeneration face a certain. In order to help the patient, the ophthalmologist indicates wearing special glasses, magnifiers or other special devices (printed matter in large letters) to carry out daily activities. Also, specialists initiated a simple test with a test that patients can do alone at home to check their vision. This test is called the grid, or the Amsler test, and consists of a simple millimeter type paper, and at its center there is a thicker black dot.
The patient performing this test should do the following: 1. Keep the grid at 30 - 35cm away and at good light;. Do it if necessary; 3. Cover an eye; 4. Look at the middle point with the naked eye;.
Be careful if the other lines change if they appear dark, distorted, curled 6. Repeat the procedure with the other eye;. The conclusions are drawn, and in the event of changes, a mandatory visit to the ophthalmologist. Conclusions Macular degeneration, although not rapidly leading to, becomes invalid over time by the disappearance of central vision. The initial impact of macular degeneration on vision may be minimal, and therefore the patient neglects to visit the specialist at the early stages of the disease, he only presenting when the disturbing symptoms.
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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