Make peace with your mother if you want to make peace with yourself

Make peace with your mother if you want to make peace with yourself
Make peace with your mother if you want to make peace with yourself

The relationship we have with our mothers slips us like women. Mother is the first model of femininity and love that we have in childhood. When the relationship with her is dysfunctional, the relationship with ourselves and with the other women suffers. photo indoor and front page: altanaka ShutterstockDaca your mother was not very affectionate with you in childhood and did not show her affection through words and gestures, it is probable that you would not want to adopt this behavior. You both want to have a closer relationship but none of you know how to do this. Instead of harmony and joy, you press each other and your appointments often end with tears or regrets.

You probably say you do not want to be like your mother but in some ways you are just like her. The other women disappoint you all the time, just like her, and in your relationship with your partner, you bring a lot of masculine energy, you want to keep under control and you have the feeling that you just do it all because you are not at all supported. Things can change if you make a change in yourself and one of perception. In the \. When you look at your mother as a prestigious professor, the status of the victim and the state of mania and revolt disappear.

Compassion, understanding and acceptance are other useful tools. Connect to the compassion of your heart and, when you are in this space, talk to your mother. I did this this summer and I had the surprise to find that my mother went through exeperiente similar to mine. She did not know how to show my love differently than being careful not to miss anything because it was the language of love learned from her mother. When you understand that your mother has done everything she could and knew better to grow up and be happy, the dynamics of the relationship between you is changing.

When you come to accept and love your mother, you can do the same with yourself and your relationship with other women is greatly improving. .

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