Medicines prohibited during pregnancy

Medicines prohibited during pregnancy
Medicines prohibited during pregnancy

it is a special period in a woman's life. Certain medicines have certain negative effects on the mother, the fetus or both. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . they will either kill the fetus or have no effect during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. They can cause an abnormal development of the fetal organs between weeks 2 and 12 of pregnancy.

In addition to the specific adverse effects of each drug, some of them can cause harmful effects on the fetus, with the most diverse manifestations, the most common being fetal bone and nervous system anomalies, spontaneous abortion, but also effects on other internal organs of the baby. The most common drugs that can cause fetal malformations are those used to treat high blood pressure, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and sartans, antibiotics from the class of aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones and tetracycline, chemotherapeutics, antiepileptic drugs, drugs used in psychiatry, . The use of ACE inhibitors during pregnancy can cause renal abnormalities and decreased ossification of the skull in newborns. Aminoglycosides can cause congenital cranial nerve VIII lesions, skeletal abnormalities, and kidney defects. Fluoroquinolones, antibiotics commonly used for urinary tract infections, can cause cartilage abnormalities.

Medicines based on sulfonamides, antidiabetic sulfonylureas and certain diuretics can cause a dangerous form of jaundice in newborns, called kernicterus or bilirubin encephalopathy. Tetracycline can also have abnormalities of the limbs, the skeleton and the color of the teeth. Carbamazepine and Phenytoin can cause intrauterine growth retardation, abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, nervous system defects, as well as mental retardation. Retinoids are medicines based on vitamin A, being used in the treatment of severe forms of acne. They can cause similar defects in newborns.

It is important to mention that retinoids should be stopped before conception, at least one month, to be completely eliminated from the circulation and to no longer have teratogenic potential for the fetus. Phenobarbital may cause neonatal withdrawal. (all classes) administered to pregnant women causes intrauterine death of the fetus in approximately 30% of pregnancies, severe intrauterine growth restriction and multiple anatomical anomalies, mental retardation, spontaneous abortion and secondary cancers. Diazepam can cause palatoschisis, kidney defects and secondary neoplasms in the fetus. Lithium can cause Ebstein's anomaly, which is characterized by congenital heart defects in the fetus (at the level of the tricuspid valve and at the level of the right compartment of the heart).

Valproic acid causes neural tube defects in approximately 1% of pregnancies, cardiac, vascular and skeletal abnormalities. Warfarin, an anticoagulant, can cause spontaneous abortion, intrauterine growth restriction, facial abnormalities and nervous system abnormalities (mental retardation and Dandy-Walker malformation). . During breastfeeding, however, it can be used safely and will not have adverse effects on the newborn. It is important that at the initial control of the pregnancy, a complete history of the administered drugs is obtained, in order to evaluate all the potential risks for the fetus.

The doctor must be informed about all medicines and substances, with or without a medical prescription, that the pregnant woman is taking or has taken in the recent period before conception. Doctors who care for pregnant women are gynecologists, and family doctors can help with some general information. Adequate counseling and education regarding substance abuse is needed. The gynecologist should give recommendations to pregnant women regarding the drugs that can be used or not during pregnancy, weighing the potential risks and benefits. .

must be stopped during pregnancy, unless stopping the drug is more harmful than using it). There are alternative drugs or therapies, sometimes just as effective for certain diseases, that do not have teratogenic effects and can be administered safely during pregnancy. is a supplement that has a protective effect for the development of certain abnormalities of the nervous system, such as neural tube defects, and it is recommended to be administered even before conception, the dose being established by the doctor in charge of family planning (the family doctor or . If you have used teratogenic drugs during pregnancy, consult your gynecologist and follow the indications regarding the periodic checks of your pregnancy. Pregnant women must pay special attention to what they administer, because they can have serious consequences on newborns.

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