Obesity and the diseases behind it

Obesity and the diseases behind it
Obesity and the diseases behind it

• Cardiovascular disorders. Obesity is considered a major risk factor for myocardial infarction. Thus, a body weight greater than 20% than the normal value increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in people who have high abdominal fat. Also, patients with obesity have an increased risk of developing, as well as cardio-circulatory insufficiency and thrombophilia. • SOPC or polycystic ovary syndrome. Another condition associated with obesity is.

It is certain that about 70% of women diagnosed with SOPC present. • Chronic kidney disease. Obesity can cause chronic kidney disease by direct kidney damage or indirectly by favoring the occurrence of high blood pressure and diabetes. The disease is characterized by the progressive and, unfortunately, irreversible loss of kidney function, evolving with numerous complications that affect the whole body. • Metabolic diseases.

Obesity can also lead to complications such as type 2 diabetes, increased cholesterol and. • Bone disorders. Because of overweight, obese patients have an increased risk of developing coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis or. It is also a wrist affection that generally affects your knees, hips and lower back, which are often overweight. At the same time, overweight patients are at a high risk of developing a disease that affects the joints and which is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood.

Gout is commonly found in overweight people, and the risk of developing this condition increases in proportion to the weight. • Cancer. Certain types of cancer are associated with obesity. For example, among women, these cancers include uterine cancer, gallbladder cancer, breast cancer, laryngeal and colon cancer, and overweight men are at increased risk of developing. • Thyroid diseases.

In the case of children, obesity can also affect the thyroid gland, thus causing a number of serious complications. • Digestive problems. Against obesity, some digestive complications and gastroesophageal reflux may develop. Ideal would be to prevent obesity, and healthier nutrition and sustained physical activity can be a real help in fighting extra pounds. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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