Pain that can be relieved by physiotherapy

Pain that can be relieved by physiotherapy
Pain that can be relieved by physiotherapy

• Increases the mobility of the joints and keeps them healthy for as long as possible. has real vasodilatory and trophic effects, resulting in increased joint mobility. • It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, being a very good method of preventing, but also treating inflammation, following a trauma. In addition, it alleviates or reduces existing pains. • Physiotherapy procedures can have a relaxing effect on the body, leading to diminishing and favoring sleep. They also diminish the level in the body and combat psychic and physical fatigue.

• Reduces disturbing symptoms such as muscle pain, inflammation, contraction, stimulates blood circulation and therefore stimulates cellular repair, favors, reduces functional deficiencies, relieves scarring and unsightly, tonifies muscle mass and skin, helps in anti-cellulite treatment and is adjunct to various . • Musculoskeletal pain, which is based on an inflammatory condition such as: cervical, tendinitis, bursitis, sprains,. • Muscle atrophy that occurs due to a long bed immobility: gypsum, orthotics or prolonged decubitus. • Neuralgia: sciatica, intercostal neuralgia. • Peripheral paresis such as facial paresis, radial nerve paresis.

• Chronic degenerative rheumatism, spondylosis, coxarthrosis, shoulder osteoarthritis, peripheral arthrosis. • Lombosciatica, discopathy,, sciatica. • Postural disorders such as scoliosis or scoliosis. • Chronic inflammatory rheumatism: arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis reactive. • Post-traumatic sequelae following a sprain or fracture.

• Neurological sequelae: paresis, paralysis, sequelae after (stroke), plaque sclerosis,. • Fatigue, stress, insomnia, agitation, depression. • Edematous, fibrous, mixed cellulite. In conclusion, it is advisable to remember that physiotherapy procedures hurry healing, relieve pain and stimulate the secretion of endorphins, all providing the patient with an optimal state of health. .

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