(photo) A New York photographer turned a homeless cat into a star on Instagram.

(photo) A New York photographer turned a homeless cat into a star on Instagram.
(photo) A New York photographer turned a homeless cat into a star on Instagram.

Princess Cheeto (Princess Cheeto) - cat with incredibly bright and creative photos on Instagram. He keeps his account with the help of his master - Hugo Martinez. This is a photographer and he calls Cheet his main muse. Cheeto appeared in Hugo's life in 2012 when he moved from California to New York and decided to take a pet from a shelter. Since then, Princess Cheeto has inspired not only his owner but also his subscribers to Instagram, who are becoming more and more. Here are some photos on the cat's account.

Squiggly Siblings 〰️ #CheetAndNach #nationalpetday A post shared by i am cheeto. a cat. (@princesscheeto) on Apr 11, 2018 at 10:27 am PDT ALL mine. #CheddarCheet #CheeseBall A post shared by i am cheeto. a cat.

(@princesscheeto) on Apr 5, 2018 at 11:03 PDT They said the carrots would be good for my eyes. THEY LIED.

Source : diez.md

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