Photos from the past.

Photos from the past.
Photos from the past.

The National Archives Agency continues to present us images from the time of the Soviet regime in Moldova. In the new series you will see what the MIMI Castle looks like, you will see a sequence from an amateur show in the open air and work in collective farms. The exterior of the Universal Store (now the Weaver Galina Serdiuc from the silk factory in Tighina, January 1979. The Liubovi Tabanova laboratory carries out the expertise of the wine produced by the Ceadâr-Lunga winery, June 1983. The exterior of the winery in Bulboaca village, Anenii Noi district, year 1949. (MIMI castle) The participants in the amateur show of the house of culture from Vulcănești, Maria Vilciuc (on the left) and Elena Olimid during the preparations for the show, Slobozia Mare village, year 1969.

Sequence from the amateur show, Cairaclia village, Taraclia district, year 1952. Eudochia Moldovan, student of school no. 11 from the Râșcani sector together with her brother, the city of Chisinau, year 1952. Olga Zelenaia cultivating cherries in the orchards of the Agrarian University, Chisinau, May 1971. photo credit: archive.

See the first part here. See the second part here. See part three here. See part four here. See part five here.

See part six here. See part seven here. See part eight here. See the ninth part here. .

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