Polymorphic rash of the pregnancy (pruritic urticaria papillary of pregnancy)

Polymorphic rash of the pregnancy (pruritic urticaria papillary of pregnancy)
Polymorphic rash of the pregnancy (pruritic urticaria papillary of pregnancy)

During pregnancy various changes occur in the body of the future mother. Some of these affect the skin, the widest body organ, with the appearance of bruises that give you an intense itching. The manifestation is called the polymorphic eruption of the pregnancy or the pruritic urticarial papule of the pregnancy. The good news is that they do not harm the fetus but are uncomfortable and unpleasant for the pregnant woman. The polymorphic eruption of pregnancy is the most common specific dermatosis in pregnancy and affects 1 in 160 pregnant women. The eruption occurs most frequently in the last trimester of pregnancy and occurs more often at the first pregnancy or in the case of multiple pregnancies.

It does not endanger the life of the mother or the fetus, but it is very unpleasant because of the itching it generates in both day and night. Symptoms of the polymorphic eruption of the pregnancy Debut on the skin of the abdominal region from where it spreads to the thighs, buttocks and arms. At the trunk, the eruption is less common. The lesions do not appear on the face, neck, palms or soles. The eruption is manifested by the appearance of small papules in relief (1-2 mm diameter), pink and pale center, in large plaques and extremely pruritus - intense itching of the skin.

In rare cases, burning or pain in the skin may occur. Causes of eruption are unknown, but some hypotheses indicate excessive abdominal distension - excessive weight gain of the mother with abdominal stretch marks, genetic causes, hormonal influences, or male fat burden. Treatment of the eruption The treatment of the eruption consists in intense and correct moisturizing of the skin, the use of moisturizing and emollient creams with natural, organic ingredients, without preservatives, by a good hydration of the mother. Soluble solutions, such as menthol, may also be used. Itching is hard to ignore, and by scratching the skin can irritate even more, accentuating the feeling of discomfort.

The good news is that these unpleasant manifestations disappear after birth at 4-6 weeks. .

Source : csid.ro

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