Headaches and sinus pressure can be treated through acupuncture. Although it seems a dream come true, acupuncture can treat chronic pain. Besides these symptoms, acupuncture can help the body improve: - allergies - anxiety and depression - osteoarthritis - chronic pain, often in the throat, back, knee and head - hypertension - menstrual cramps and PMS-migraine - morning sickness . There is a reason why it was studied around 2. 500 years. As time passes, its effects and benefits will be better and better known.
Not everybody responds to acupuncture. Some people feel relaxed and can be a little tired, others feel energized and ready for everything, and others experience an immediate improvement. It is advisable to call a specialist who practices this profession for good results. An acupuncture session lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. Most of the time, you'll talk to the acupuncturist about pain, and then start your own session.
Transformations will come gradually and changes will be found from eating, sleeping and mood. For menstrual cramps, massage with pressure. For insomnia, you will have to mask your eyebrows' position in the opposite direction. Differences will be immediately noticed. For, you must press on the space between the middle of the nose and the upper lip.
For general headaches, you will need to exert pressure on the muscle found between the thumb and the index finger. Acupuncture is recognized as safe and beneficial for many ailments, but it is not a treatment - so no matter what the situation, you will need to take the appropriate medication. Pain can easily diminish if you opt for this ancient process. As a traditional procedure, acupuncture presents both benefits and disadvantages. Safety is the main benefit of this procedure, so there will be no side effects.
If you suffer from a chronic illness, acupuncture can be a complementary part of the treatment. If used ones are not sterilized, patient-to-patient diseases can be transmitted. The needle may break if it is not used carefully and can affect an internal organ. It is not indicated for people who have problems with / hemostasis Types of treatments Acupuncture can be administered by several procedures / The best known of these are: Classic administration - it is made by using stainless steel / gold / silver. They are not inserted into the deep skinMox administration by means of the burning of the plant Artemisia Vulgaris.
The effect of this is heating. The moxes are naturally occurring and can be of several kinds. - is recommended for those who are afraid of the stings of the normal ones. This is done by means of modern appliances that transmit small electrical currents. Laser acupuncture - is one of the newest and revolutionary treatments achieved through acupuncture.
And this method is dedicated to children or those who fear needles. If you are still skeptical, you will have to talk to your family doctor about the pain you will be pressing at every step and about how you can easily fight them so you do not suffer. It will analyze your symptoms, history, and general health to help you see if acupuncture is right for your body. Although acupuncture is an old process, it can help any patient to improve and improve their lifestyle. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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