Psychologist's Advice: why do we sometimes attract people uproar?

Psychologist's Advice: why do we sometimes attract people uproar?
Psychologist's Advice: why do we sometimes attract people   uproar?

In our growth and development, we encounter various situations that are more or less pleasant, from which we gain experience. In order to satisfy our needs such as the acceptance and appreciation of society, we One of the most common ways of defense encountered in a modern society is politeness. In the opinion of psychologist Laura Maria Cojocaru, kindness is also the main reason that attracts us to the people whom we may consider disturbing. Moreover, the specialist believes that the human personality includes many more features than we could imagine, and the projection is another form by which we attribute our negative traits to others. In fact, projection has become a common means of living in an increasingly diverse, complex and diversified society and is one of the most common factors generating frustration. All of these are parts of the human trait, and things Many times, without realizing it, so it is an unconscious process, we use our projection on others.

The one who When we do not like someone, just that one reminds us of a feature of ourselves that we do not accept for various reasons. When we say that someone is bad, we actually design our own malice in that person. The projection consists mainly in the attribution to others of their own intentions, tendencies, pulses and desires, The Moreover, the specialist believes that, due to an echo of one's own unconscious, when one criticizes another, he actually criticizes his own weaknesses, unwilling to recognize these traits, perceives what others do not . A person dominated by this defense mechanism is a suspicious, eager, sensitive person, and also seems to be a sort of collector of the mistakes of others. Before we isolate those who make us suffer, it would be good to stop short and think if we should thank them for giving us the opportunity of a self-examination if we decide to change something with us .

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