Red wine worsens migraines.

Red wine worsens migraines.
Red wine worsens migraines.

Red wine remains the favorite drink for people around the world. Still, there are people who can drink a whole glass without having a problem, and others begin to fight immediately with a grueling headache. In case of hangover there are headaches, dizziness, vomiting, excessive thirst, dry mouth, fatigue, muscle cramps. All this comes because our body digests alcohol. According to Scientific American, wine is one of the drinks that can give severe hangover. The headache resulting from the consumption of red wine is different from the one given by the hangover.

The major difference is that it occurs as soon as the alcohol is ingested. You do not even get drunk and you feel like hanging around. Wines contain different amounts of sulphites that are used as preservatives but also as antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. In the European Union, the amount a producer can use is limited by the type of wine. For sweet wine, the largest quantity is allowed.

Instead, red wine should have the lowest level of sulphites. People believe that they are guilty of headaches, but there is no scientific evidence to do so, writes Gustarte. Lawrence Newman, from NYU Langone Medical Center, told SELF that migraine culprits are tannins present in the grapes and their kernels. Red wine has a high concentration of tannins, especially as the grapes are left to ferment with the shell. The solution would be that people who can not process these naturally occurring substances choose a wine that is not dark.

Another option would be to drink two cups of coffee before consuming red wine or eating a sufficient amount of water. .

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