Rhinitis can be treated without a scalpel!

Rhinitis can be treated without a scalpel!
Rhinitis can be treated without a scalpel!

Although a benign condition, rhinitis has a serious impact on the quality of life of patients. It affects breathing, gives fatigue, headaches, insomnia, etc. . Often, however, drug treatment is not enough to eliminate the problem, and surgery is required. Fortunately, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, sleep apnea syndrome, and other ENT disorders can be treated moderately with laser at the expense of the scalp. Interventions are faster than classic surgical operations, do not cause bleeding, are not painful, are performed with local anesthesia, and recovery time is much shorter.

Rhinitis, one of the most common conditions of ENT Rinita is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa that causes a number of inconveniences that may affect the quality of life of the patients: nasal obstruction, rhinorrhoea, nasal pruritus, sneezing etc. . Of rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is one of the most common rhinological conditions (of the nose). In addition to affecting the quality of life of patients, it can cause a number of lung or throat complications. Men are affected to a greater extent than women.

Causes of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis are related to smoking, polluted air, nasal septal drift, inhalation allergens (low temperature or ambient humidity), infections such as chronic sinusitis, hormonal disturbances (occurring during pregnancy, pregnancy rhinitis) . ). The exact diagnosis is established by the ENT physician following anamnesis, clinical and paraclinical examinations (nasal endoscopy, CT or MRI), allergic tests (where there is suspicion of an allergic etiology) and rhinomanometry (a test that measures the pressure and air flow rate in the cavity . When Breath Improvement Laser surgery is currently the most modern method of treating these conditions as well as the fastest, since it does not require hospitalization and the patient can go home the same day. The goal of interventions, whether laser laser UV (Laser UV) or laser turbine reduction, is to reduce the size of the nasal cornea, palate vein and tonsils.

In addition, it does not require nasal shampooing, and the patient can go to his feet at home after 30 minutes, Iulia Grecu, ENT primary physician at Bio-Medica clinics for CSID. The results appear immediately. Nasal breathing is already improved one week after surgery, and final healing occurs within one month. Also, clinical trials over time show that this method can also deliver results over the long term. .

Source : csid.ro

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