Probably you know of On this occasion, the vlogger Ion Andronache drew up a calendar for the year 2019, in which he counted the days when According to calculations, next year, couples will have only 68 days for sex. Do you know that the church calendar includes data when it is forbidden to make weddings or other rules that require rigorous observance of Christian feasts. There is also a calendar that forbids or regulates the days when spouses can have sex. Here is what the famous Romanian confessor Ilie Cleopa says about: The husbands must have two days of cleanliness before the feast at the church Ion Andronache took over this monastic rule of Ilie Cleopa imposed on married laity and calculated how many days they have the right to have sex. So, when Moldovan Christian-Orthodox families can have sex in 2019. #January - 24, 28, 29 and 31 # February - 4, 5, 7, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26 and 28 of February #Martie - LITTLE POST (no sex) #Aprilie - date .
Mark these days with red in the calendar and be careful not to mistaken. .
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Posted: 2018-03-17, 9584 views.
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