Signs indicating that you have blood clots

Signs indicating that you have blood clots
Signs indicating that you have blood clots

• Swelling of a foot or a hand. This may be the sign of a. In other words, blood circulation is deficient, stagnant, and the patient's hands or feet will swell. • Pain felt in one of the limbs. In the case of a patient who has venous thrombosis, there is often a pain in a member. • Chest pains appear.

Blood clots that form in the lung are extremely dangerous, accompanied by difficulty in breathing and. • Unexplained cough crises. These occur without having a cold, bronchitis or other pulmonary disease. • There is nausea and sometimes vomiting. These symptoms may occur if a blood clot has formed in the abdomen.

• Strong headache. These occur quite often and usually do not pass when the patient takes an anti-inflammatory or antialgic. • Heat sensation at the affected area. • Changing the skin color. It turns red.

• Pulse is fast. • Feeling of sucking and choking, a bad breath. The main risk factors are: • Inheritance of a blood clotting disorder. • Long sleep on bed, for example, hospitalization for a long time in a hospital. • Some trauma or surgery.

These may slow blood flow, increasing the risk of blood clots. Moreover, certain anesthetics that are used during certain operations lead to vein dilatation and implicitly increase the risk of blood clotting. • Certain treatments against cancer increase the risk of developing. But certain types of cancer also cause procoagulant growth in the blood. • Inflammatory bowel disease.

• it increases the risk of blood clots. • Hormone replacement therapy can increase blood clotting ability. • Family history of venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism. • Obesity. Therefore, it is essential to lose weight.

Make daily movement and respect a healthier lifestyle. • Sedentarism, but also the state as long as it stands. Lack of regular exercise can be a controllable risk factor. • Smoking. This is a factor that affects both its circulation and its effect.


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