Spots on your skin are usually caused by exposure to the sun and are generally harmless, but some spots can indicate skin cancer, liver pathologies or other conditions. Thus, it is ideal to investigate the spots that appear on the skin, in order to receive a correct diagnosis and an effective treatment. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . Brown spots include, a dermatological condition that produces spots of various sizes on the face, brown-gray, being more common among women. Melasma may disappear on its own, or it may require cosmetic treatment for removal.
Red spots can be signs of various atopic dermatological conditions (atopic dermatitis, keratosis) or they can be signs of a sunburn. Skin cancer also begins as red spots on the skin, which rapidly change in appearance and size. they can be a sign of a serious condition or they can be harmless, but in both cases patients often want a treatment, even if only for aesthetic reasons. Pigment spots can develop anywhere on the surface of the body, but they appear more frequently in areas exposed to the sun: face, shoulders, arms, back, dorsal surface of the palms. The spots that appear in patients with liver pathologies typically appear on the palms.
The spots that appear in infectious endocarditis, through an immunological process, appear in the fingertips. The spots on the skin can be individual, of variable size, or they can merge and form larger spots. The spots on the skin, especially the dark ones, are the result of the hyperproduction of melanin, a pigment that makes the skin darker in color. Spots can also be the result of the release of free radicals, molecules that attack healthy cells and give the skin an aged appearance. .
Exposure to UV rays\r\n . Hyperpigmentation occurs more often in middle-aged people, when the skin begins to show signs of constant excessive exposure over the years. Thus, people who are not used to using sun protection products and who are constantly exposed to UV rays, will have pigment spots at some point. People with light hair or very light skin are at risk of getting sunburned afterwards. Dermatological pathologies\r\n.
These include:\r\n. These include:\r\n. Skin biopsy or other additional investigations are only necessary if the spots look suspicious on objective examination. they are not painful and usually have the same texture as the rest of the skin. The treatment can be addressed either to an underlying pathology, in which case the dermatologist will recommend specialist consultations, or to the unsightly aspect that may bother the patient.
Some spots can fade with time, by themselves or with the help of treatments made by the patient. Others require topical treatments, in the form of dermatological creams or in the form of non-invasive cosmetic procedures. Home remedies\r\n. Some patients have reported benefits of citrus juice as it contains Vitamin C. However, experts recommend applying a vitamin C serum specially produced to be applied to the skin.
Do not try home remedies unless recommended and approved by your doctor. Topical treatment\r\n. The treatment using these creams lasts several months. Hydroquinone is an active ingredient contained in creams for pigment spots. It works by reducing the amount of melanin in the skin.
It is recommended to be used only in the short term because of the potential side effects with long-term application. Products that contain Vitamin C and can be applied topically are also effective, as they reduce pigmentation and provide brightness in the area where they are applied. Retinoids, very potent substances derived from vitamin A, are also effective. Thus, any cream containing retinoids, vitamin C or hydroquinone can be used as a topical treatment for hyperpigmentation and other types of spots on the skin. Ingredients such as glycolic acid, kojic acid or alpha-hydroxy acid are also useful and can complete the treatment.
Side effects include redness, swelling, irritation and can occur after applying any topical product. Depigmentation creams usually contain strong, abrasive ingredients, so it is recommended to use them cautiously. The application of cream with sun protection factor is also strongly recommended in parallel with the treatment for pigment spots. Cosmetic procedures\r\n. Some of these are not recommended for people with sensitive skin.
Options include:\r\n. • Chemical peeling. Peeling or chemical exfoliation uses salicylic/glycolic acid to remove the superficial layer of skin and stimulate skin regeneration. The result is healthier-looking skin with better tone. • : uses a device in the form of a pen equipped with many micro-needles, which gently exfoliates the skin.
Microdermabrasion is considered one of the minimal risk procedures. • Cryotherapy: a solution of liquid or gaseous nitrogen is used, which is applied locally to spots on the skin. Pigment spots appear predominantly with advancing age, in middle-aged adults. There are several ways in which you can prevent the appearance of stains:\r\n. Although they often appear after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, pigment spots can also be a sign of another condition.
Do not hesitate to go to a dermatological consultation when such spots appear. Bibliography:\r\n\r\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n . Adina Dobritoiu\n . Petronela Cozma\n . .
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