Sun exposure during pregnancy benefit or not?

Sun exposure during pregnancy benefit or not?
Sun exposure during pregnancy benefit or not?

When you are pregnant during the summer it is tempting to spend some time in the sunbathing bath for a perfect shine of the skin. But before you prepare your bathing suit for the beach, consider how the UV rays affect both your health and that of your baby. While studies are still underway, research indicates a link between folic acid deficiency and exposure to sunlight. That's why it's good to limit beach time, both during pregnancy and outside. Dr. .

Silviu Istoc, obstetrician-gynecologist, tells us the dangers of exposure to sun during pregnancy. Dangers of fetal development A study published in a 2005 edition found that after exposure to UV radiation degradation of folic acid. Because folic acid is necessary for child growth and development, it presents a solid argument to stay away from sunlight during pregnancy. Sufficient folic acid is especially important during the first trimester. While the link between exposure to sunlight and fetal injury is not fully proven, sunbathing and body protection is a wise decision during the first months of pregnancy, Problems related to pregnancy Excess feminine hormones in the body during pregnancy pose specific problems for your skin when exposed to the sun.

Melasma, sometimes known as a pregnancy mask, occurs when the area above the lip becomes hyper-pigmented. While the appearance fades after pregnancy, exposure to sunlight darkens pigments during pregnancy, making the darker skin more visible. Sun exposure and overheating are associated with nausea, dizziness and even physical malformations in the growing baby. Sun protection will not harm the child. Use an SPF of 30 or more and apply again every 2 hours, after sweating or after being in the water.

If possible, use clothes and hats to cover your skin and avoid sunburn, Silviu Istoc. Take into account alternatives Instead of taking UVA or UVB rays to get a brighter glow in the summer, use lotions and creams that do not put your health in jeopardy. Wait until the second trimester passes, then you can use tanning solutions in the form of lotion, but not the spray type. Autobronzants in the form of sprays cause inhalation risks that may cause temporary breathing difficulties. Instead, a light tanning cream, which darkens while it is used, will provide a summer glow without endangering the baby.


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