it is a complex condition that can significantly affect all aspects of a person's life. Also known as alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence or harmful ethanol consumption, this condition can vary in severity, from mild to severe. Article content\n \n \n . ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . One of these is the impact on mental health. People with alcoholism have an increased risk of developing other psychiatric conditions.
Excessive alcohol consumption can aggravate existing symptoms and lead to the appearance of problems. On a professional level, alcoholism can lead to problems at work, decreased performance and even loss of job. Absenteeism, frequent lateness, low productivity and the inability to fulfill your responsibilities can have serious consequences on your career and professional future. These symptoms may include nausea, dry mouth, fast heartbeat, fever, insomnia, sweating, hand tremors, seizures, irritability, restlessness, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, delirium tremens, or even death. .
If you have experienced two or more of these symptoms in the last year, there is a possibility that you suffer from. The severity of the condition can vary depending on the number and severity of the symptoms present. The diagnosis of alcoholism is carried out by medical professionals who will check if your symptoms correspond to the diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). According to DSM-5, alcoholism can be diagnosed as mild (2-3 criteria fulfilled), moderate (4-5 criteria) or severe (more than 6 criteria). Alcoholism can be accompanied by other mental illnesses, known as comorbidities, or it can lead to complications.
According to a 2020 study, alcoholism is often associated with other mental health conditions, such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders, or substance use disorders. . The existence of a mental illness in combination with alcoholism is called a dual diagnosis and can arise from several causes: similar risk factors, including genetics, trauma and stress; . According to the World Health Organization (WHO), alcohol consumption is the trigger for more than 200 different diseases. Alcohol consumption can have short-term complications, including violent or aggressive behavior, increased risk of becoming a victim of violence, injuries or accidents that require emergency care, loss of personal belongings, unprotected sexual relations that can lead to sexually transmitted infections or unplanned pregnancies, as well as alcohol intoxication manifested by nausea, vomiting, convulsions and loss of consciousness.
. Chronic alcoholism can have serious consequences on long-term health, including diseases such as stroke, liver disease (including fatty liver disease), various types of cancer (hepatic, oral, breast, intestinal) and, which affects pregnant people. In addition to health complications, alcoholism can generate other challenges, such as relationship problems or divorce, domestic abuse, unemployment, financial difficulties, lack of shelter and legal problems or incarceration. These consequences can significantly affect the quality of the individual's life and can bring disturbances in multiple aspects of his existence. The symptoms of alcoholism can evolve in successive and distinct stages.
Risk stage. In this stage, alcohol consumption can be social or used to reduce stress and generate a feeling of well-being. At this stage, alcohol tolerance can also develop. Alcohol addict in the early stage: secret and solitary drinking, frequent thoughts about drinking and memory loss during drinking may occur. Alcohol dependence in the middle stage: Loss of control over alcohol consumption and the appearance of problems in terms of work, school, relationships and personal health.
Laboratory tests and medical investigations can reveal organ damage. Alcohol addiction in the terminal stage: Alcohol consumption becomes the main objective of life, negatively affecting aspects such as nutrition, relationships, health and happiness. Severe complications occur, which can have fatal consequences. Alcoholism is a medical condition that causes suffering and damage to the affected person, but also to those around him and to the community in which he belongs. Recognizing the symptoms of alcoholism is the first step in identifying this condition and getting the help you or your loved one needs.
. We recommend that you ask for professional support and look for specialized services in the treatment of alcoholism, because they can offer adequate assistance for overcoming this problem and for building a healthy and balanced life. Bibliography:\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n \n \n\n \n \n \n\n \n \n . .
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