• female gender • maternal • some delayed intrauterine growth • high birth weight •. • Asymmetry of the creases of the legs, • Asymmetric movement of the legs, • Asymmetry of the position and bending of the foot, • Difficulty of rotation of the foot. Symptoms may be inexistent immediately after birth, but may occur at any time during the first six months. At four months, signs can be seen more clearly. is an essential investigation in the diagnosis of congenital hip dislocation, as well as in the establishment and follow-up of the treatment outcome of this condition. In addition to ultrasound, it is also very important to have regular control that a child has to carry out during his first year of life at the orthopedic pediatrician.
The most important investigation, however, remains the echography of the hip because it provides the most relevant information for newborns less than five months old whose joints are cartilaginous. Ultrasound offers useful images to complement the incomplete clinical picture if diagnostics can not be diagnosed through clinical examination. But there are cases where the exam is used, more precisely when the doctor wants a more careful monitoring of the disease progression. • Application of the Pavlik harness. The device may be used for the first time in children less than six months of age.
The ham is built from a strap and lockers made of special materials and has the role of keeping the baby's legs in the extension with the flexed hips so that the thighs are fixed sideways. • Ties and threads. These may also be applied to other initial treatments such as surgery. Thus, the devices are used to provide support to the hips and lower limbs during the healing process. • Operation.
For correction of femoral and articular cavity deformations, surgery is performed. • Physiotherapy. Older children may start physiotherapy sessions, intended to return to normal mobility after. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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