The conditions that you can get rid of if you do not treat your thyroid

The conditions that you can get rid of if you do not treat your thyroid
The conditions that you can get rid of if you do not treat your thyroid

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the throat in front of the trachea and is essential for the proper functioning of the body. And that's because thyroid hormones influence energy consumption, body temperature and heart rate. The number of patients with thyroid disorders in Romania has tripled over the last 6 years. Doctors believe that both women and men over 35 years of age need to test their blood TSH on an annual basis. Undiagnosed, these disorders not only affect the psyche of patients but also cause cardiovascular disease. Fatigue that lasts for several days, irritability and anxiety episodes are not and should not be treated as if they were a normal.

It is normal to feel good. Thyroid diseases can be kept under control, but it is very important for them to be detected at an early stage. That's why I insist that patients periodically test their blood TSH from year to year, Rodica Petriş, PhD specialist in Endocrinology. Often, however, patients confuse the symptoms of thyroid disease with the negative effects of lifestyle. These include: Weight fluctuations; .

Therefore, thyroid disorders most often cause cardiovascular disease (HTA, arteriosclerosis) and increase the risk of cardiovascular accident. Also, bipolar mental disorders are associated with endocrine diseases. In order to prevent this condition, family doctors should recommend to patients to conduct endocrinological investigations. Therefore, I think it is very important that patients with symptoms of these conditions and who do not go through a period of agitation should be advised for thorough endocrinological investigations. Rodica Tanasescu, president of the Romanian Society of Family Medicine.

How can we prevent disease? Most of the time, .

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