Tradged by his own need to represent something for someone. Who are they important to? . Search? . Men misbehave because they do not recognize their own value, as the psychologist Radu Leca says for CSID, or we still have a response from vanity. , Men do not believe in monogamy or loneliness. There is an expression often used by 40-year-old men trying to remember their youth as faithfully as possible: I even feel married to myself.
Loneliness in relationship makes the man choose another way. But this is not the only reason, the psychologist says: The subject copies a given pattern. From my point of view, infidelity is transmitted from my father. If the parental model, which has a praiseworthy value, also has an infidelity, the child repeats this. When you are five years old and your mother says: My love, your father left with another woman, surely when you reach 16, you will try to see what it is like to be loyal, just so it was .
How does a partner feel wrong? . You could feel the air as you sneak in your ears, feel the clothes as you stick to your body. You feel your soft feet. Tilt your head to one side. And the pressure is growing.
Betrayal is the most complex feeling anyone can feel. Crime has been committed by treason, The deceived partner loses everything: balance, harmony, family concept. What does he do after all his future has disappeared? . . .
on him. If it is fat, it gets hungry, if it is alcoholic, it becomes obsessive-compulsive, if it is typical, becomes unhealthy and so. Those betrayed avenge themselves, believing themselves to be the infidelity of their partners. When she throws herself in an adventure, the woman is looking to feel new things she thinks will make her happy. The most sensitive relationships are those with married men.
The most terrible enemy that you can do, treat it with denial, is the marriage woman. She has nothing to lose. He has everything at home, organized by his own will. He just wants something else, without complications. The woman does not attract the orgasm out of relationship, but the small gestures that are missing from the basic relationship, What are the causes that can lead to infidelity? .
Partner mistakes begin with lack of communication. In vain, the partners are physically close if they do not communicate. Lack of communication leads to distraction and lack of attention. When you are no longer looking at your partner, someone or something is there instead, The time they spend together can sometimes be essential. It's the quality that makes the difference.
It is not important to have a quantity. From 18h activity, 17 be together. Moments spent together means communication, attention, gentleness, affection. If time splits correctly: 20% to the couple, 80% to the family, then the relationship has chances of success over time. We certainly see them together for over 30 years.
The couple's partners were correct, both with them and with the others. The first signal: lack of time. The program gets too busy so we can find it again. Following the pattern: My dear, I have not left work yet, and Ioana is collecting the accounting documents. It smelled of fear and lies.
It is an odor known only by those who have gone through separation. We do not have to look for lipstick on the shirt, we have to smell the shirt. The scent is changed. Time has no longer for us. Attention is zero.
He lives in a world where we do not have what he is looking for. When two people really love, they can not make love anymore, but no sex, with other partners Adultery is a common failure for a couple. A revolution of your own emotional impotence. Find out in your own value, both men and women, mistaken. At the time of the act, I do not feel that he is deceiving, but that he reaffirms his value.
They do not think that reasserting their value is pain for the couple's partner. We're not talking about sex here. Sex is just a manifestation, a form of domination, here we are talking about feelings. When two people really love, they can not make love anymore, but neither sex with other partners, The moment of betrayal is extremely delicate. Both partner partners need to experience the moments of quarrel and anger later or to ask for help from a psychologist.
However, adventure can not be counted as a mistake. In the absence of communication, the adventure appears. You see, even the name of the betrayal has an excuse. The word adventure. It's basically called this because someone is discovered.
We can even make a joke here: Dear, will we see you tonight? . When we are betrayed, all our universe is reduced to dust. All of our psycho-cognitive investment disappears. Our system of values is altering, so does life. When we go on the road with someone we realize, thinking about the stories heard, that the critical moment will come.
The question is how do we prepare for that day? . 7 tips for partners not to get infidelity: Communication; . Reproaches are constructive, but not in the evening. .
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