The link between iodine deficiency and endemic gouty

The link between iodine deficiency and endemic gouty
The link between iodine deficiency and endemic gouty

Clinical signs of iodine deficiency are: spontaneous abortion in fertile women, fetal death in the uterus, congenital malformations, increased perinatal mortality, endemic cretinism and psychomotor retardation in the newborn, growth retardation. The excess of iodine that can be tolerated by an adult is 1000 micrograms / day without side effects, but if this amount exceeds the maximum admitted limit, manifestations such as: iodine-induced gouty and hypothyroidism, iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, thyroid-induced thyroiditis . Diagnosis of the endemic gouge is done in several stages, and the first stage for establishing the clinical diagnosis consists of a set of questions that the doctor puts on patients and refers to the area where the symptoms originated and the symptoms. Then go to the examination of the thyroid area where the changes in the volume of the gland, the calorie of the skin, the palpation and the sensation of some nodules, as well as possible laterocervical adenopathies. For the detection of biochemical changes, hormonal analyzes such as: TSH, FT4, thyroglobulin and anti-TPO antibodies, as well as iodine excretion in the urine (ioduria). Depending on the amount of iodine excreted in the urine, the severity of the disease is established (normal value is 10 mg / dl) and so iodine deficiency is mild if the urinary value is between 5 - 9.

9 mg / dl, is moderate if the value is between 2 . Another very useful investigation is that it highlights the dimensions of thyroid lobes (left and right) and the presence of nodules. If the ultrasound reveals suspicious lesions or irregularly shaped nodules, CT tomography (CT) is recommended that shows the relationship with neighbor organs, especially in bulges and presence of adenopathy. Mechanical complications: Compression of the surrounding organs and causing embarrassment to swallowing, difficult breathing, etc. .

Functional complications with hypo / hyperthyroidism3. Degenerative complications due to calcification, inflammation, haemorrhage. Treatment of endemic gouache is a prophylactic treatment especially for endemic areas by correcting iodine deficiency with supplements or iodized tablets. These iodinated tablets are recommended to be given to pregnant women and nursing mothers to prevent the onset of endemic retardation, and children are administered to prevent developmental delays. Another treatment is the curative that varies according to the particularities of each patient and we have: drug therapy with thyroid hormones, iodine or iodine combinations, or surgical treatment in the more serious cases in which gland removal (thyroidectomy) is recommended, and in situations where .


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